Developer: Carriage Gate Homes
Address: 2069 Lakeshore Road, Burlington
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 1
Height: 340 ft / 103.70 mStoreys: 29 storeys
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Burlington BeauSoleil | 103.7m | 29s | Carriage Gate | Turner Fleischer

Fwiw, "Beausoleil" is an actual surname. There's also some places, communities, among other things with the name.

Although, the marketing idea here probably doesn't go too much beyond it "sounding pleasant with some joie de vivre vibes". ;)

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...loosely translated I think it means "Handsome Sun". Although it should read Soliel Beau from my understanding of that.

Either way, it's an odd thing to name a building with, IMO. >.<
Well… soleil is masculin, so beau instead of belle… but beau only agrees with the gender of the noun even if its meaning doesn't take on the gender, so a more gender-neutral 'beautiful sun' makes more sense rather than a descriptor more associated with a particular sex. That said, Beausoleil is not an uncommon proper noun in French, some examples being a town in France, a major island in Georgian Bay, and the official name of the Ojibwe First Nation band on that island (although I don't know if they are dropping it for an indigenous name). The French town hovering in the mountains over Monaco (and potential other Beausoleils in that country) lent itself to a last name that has spread to North America.

All of that is to say that Beausoleil isn't that far of a stretch for a condo facing the water, and is not a made up name like Eau du Soleil, which other than for said condo, ain't nuthin' else.

An interesting perspective on the above:


@Northern Light will not be happy about the oversized bathtub here ;)
but who needs a pool when you can just yolo into the lake!?

Damn Straight!

If you're marketing a pool, I want a pool, I need to able to dive and swim at least 25M w/o touching a wall, and if I stand upright in the pool I shouldn't be able to touch the sides, and at the deepest point I should be several feet under water.

If the above are not true, you're wasting my time, it's a bath tub!

Thing is, building even a pathetic excuse for a pool costs money; and maintaining it cost more. This thing is hardly worth the maintenance fees!
Thanks for the Burlington survey. It looks to be a busy spring in the DT area, but with Wendel’s temporarily closed, a somewhat parched area to take in the changes.

Not sure how quickly the applications in the Brant/Ghent areas are coming along, or further Developement around the GO station (where some site work seems to be underway) or even further along at the former Garden Gallery site. All fairly major developments.
