The Adelaide facing wall gets recreated on the Yonge side of the Addition Elle building, and the Yonge side of the historic building will end up facing onto Temperance
Thanks for shooting that. We haven't seen that particular rendering before, but we have seen more than the base. A number of images are in the dataBase file for this project, linked at the top of the page.
It looks like it has inset spandrels along the floor edge. That might look kind of sharp if that's what they're actually doing and it isn't just an effect in the rendering
Oh so that is why I was almost late for work today. Driving on Adelaide from University to Yonge took roughly 20 minutes..... The one day I don't take the TTC. Argh
Because reputable firms can handle the insane level of attention to detail needed to make a box look classy as opposed to lazy. Execution and quality of materials used make a huge difference. Any idiot can design a box, it takes a pro to make the box work using high-quality materials.