Address: 234 Simcoe St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 400 ft / 121.91 mStoreys: 39 storeys
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Toronto Artists' Alley | 121.91m | 39s | Lanterra | Hariri Pontarini

Ok, those in the development community reading. Pay attention to the image above: Details Matter.

It's a carport/access. To most UT'ers, me included, only one level of excitement above a gas meter. LOL But it's warm! When you can make this space inviting, you're showing what you can do w/every space. The right lighting, the right ceiling treatment, it all matters.

There is so much to like about this development that is so much more important than the image above. But most people who care in the industry get the need to pay some attention to glazing, to cladding and to minimize spandrel.

But so often, the smaller details, the at-grade experience, the retail, the landscape, the carport get overlooked. Not here. Shouldn't happen anywhere else either.

Congrats both to Lanterra, and HP in getting so much, so right here.,
