Toronto Alaska | 30m | 10s | Bianca Pollak | aLL Design

I think North Toronto is a very conservative place....and I think this design will cause heads to explode...

//still wish them much success
Based on the angle and vague detailing of that rendering, it appears this building will stand on the SE corner of Yonge & Strathgowan. The roofline on the building to its right (south) looks like this apartment: Here
I'm somewhat confident this one won't face severe neighbourhood opposition. NIMBYs hate height more than anything else, and 10 storeys is not going to set off any alarm bells in NIMBYland.
Is it the EDDO furniture store and the multi-plex residential building just to the south of it?

In the city of Toronto you are required to replace all rental units that you demolish at similar rental rates in the new development. This is usually extraordinarily punitive and therefore you dont see sites with rental being developed... UNLESS you are able to achieve a significant increase in density over what is existing. My slightly informed opinion leads me to believe this will not get built, or at least not in this form... Although I hope for the best!
The working title for this project is 'Alaska', and we now have a front page story and dataBase listing for it with high-res pics a-plenty!

As I said on the news page:

Clearly it is representational of an Arctic building on the precipice of a glacier about to topple into the abyss. Considering the obvious allusion to the name "Alaska" it is neither very creative thinking design-wise nor inspiring confidence in the project.
Love white buildings. Very cool. I'm even cold just looking at it.

Too bad this could not be proposed downtown in East Bayfront or Lower Don Lands and be located right on the water; would have looked amazing in winter beside the frozen lake or Sherbourne Common with the skating rink. I don't get up to this part of I feel it's a shame that I won't see really see it.
Hilariously melodramatic, Traynor. You'd think you were Redroom.

Your mealymouthed conclusion that the building "is neither very creative thinking design-wise nor inspiring in confidence", is fully your own subjective conclusion, and not objective nor factual. It even sounds like you suspect the name was chosen first and then the design created to fit it, and I have no idea why you feel that must be the case; surely it's the reverse.

You simply don't like the design, why not be more direct about it?
Clearly it is representational of an Arctic building on the precipice of a glacier about to topple into the abyss. Considering the obvious allusion to the name "Alaska" it is neither very creative thinking design-wise nor inspiring confidence in the project.

Having been to Alaska, I would agree that it does not resemble that state in any considerable way. The name is mere condo shmarketing, but at least it deviates from the more typical references to New York or places in California. Here, it references a whole state - and one north of us no less.

Neat looking design - so far.
