Toronto Aga Khan Museum + Ismaili Centre | ?m | ?s | Aga Khan Dev. | Maki and Associates

That's too bad - the video gave some idea how the interior space of the Ismaili Centre is organized (a lot more public info is available re: AKM). The stone and carpet flooring (?) is particularly impressive with its' geometric patterns.

Inside view of the skylights:

Public-view image from the official facebook page of the Aga Khan Museum:
AKM Facebook Page said:
Blog post earlier this month -

Doesn't seem to be too much new in the text, but is evidence that interest and excitement is growing. The author of the post, Betsy Moss, holds a Masters of Arts and Religion from Yale, and is in the final stretch of a PhD from UToronto (where she also instructs) in Art History . In her post she writes:
The museum plans on facilitating continued cultural exchanges between Islamic and western communities. Its educational programs are designed for individuals of all ages, from school-children to researchers.

And, why yes—I’d love to teach an Islamic art survey course or related course using this museums resources!
