Automation Gallery
This @ 151 meters will peak above 2 Bloor E. (134m)
I wouldn't take away much from that preliminary rendering, if one can call it that.
Can't help but think that would have worked better as a hotel - no need for even the perfunctory "cooking area".AoD
This is boring crap entirely lacking in any sort of creativity or attempt to engage with the city except performing a purely capitalistic endeavour.
ACTS is a long-term stay facility with fully serviced suites so while it's not quite a 'hotel' per se, it's not entirely a traditional apartment either.
Back to 771, I'm quite liking this. At +/-482sm / floor, it's small but Wallman has still made the floor plate work and while it's also pretty close to 2 Bloor East, it's no closer than RCMI is to Air Miles (10m).
I'm not sure what you'd like here greenleaf. Sure, it's a capitalistic endeavour, but what part of development (especially multi-unit residential) isn't? Should the building do backflips? Sprout trees? Sing a song? It's housing and as long as it's well-detailed (the rezoning set shows limited detail but things do look pretty good) and built to an appropriate standard (Menkes has a good track record here), what's not to like?