Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

Dec 16
As for interior shots, I shot a number a month or 2 ago and up on my site under Absolute Towers.

The sidewalks are ready to go into service on Burnhamthorpe and Hurontario once the precast erection is finish. Only a small section of Absolute Dr needs to be built.

While shooting E, you would say there are people living in some of the lower floors based on things on the baloney's and looking in the windows.






interchange42: For a mod, you seem to have issues with people's personal opinions. Sentinel has no obligation to admire or even like this building.

Anyways, I think these towers are pretty awesome, but the ground level is a dog's breakfast. The square podium section, plus the strange open piazza space, and then that addition going on to the end of the row of townhouses. Way too much different stuff going on there.

And the powder blue spandrel around the lobby looks terribly cheap.

Spire, you're reading a lot more into my question than was meant to be there. I don't have an issue with Sentinel's personal opinion, I am simply curios about it. These buildings are so much more than their cladding, I'm hoping to draw more out of him/her on if it is just their perception of the glass that has trumped their feeling for the sculptural qualities, etc.

Otherwise, if what you are inferring is that as a Mod I should not betray any preferences or opinions on UrbanToronto, we Mods have never been asked to withhold them. What we are required to do is to keep things flowing smoothly around here, and to do it fairly when it comes to having to delete posts, etc., if chaos happens to be reigning in a thread. Sentinel does not have to worry about any repercussions if I don't agree with their opinion.

Yeah, that's a question - I'm curious!

I'd love to see the floorplan for the highest priced condominium penthouse in the 905

No floorplan, but from the Mississauga News: http://www.mississauga.com/news/business/article/1266737--condo-on-sale-for-3-2-million

"a 3,401-sq.-ft. floor plan that features a spacious master bedroom with ensuite washroom, two guest bedrooms, his and hers matching libraries, a living room, a formal dining room with seating for 14 and an attached service area, a kitchen/family room, galleria and a home theatre."
I think these would look perfect without any podium whatsoever !
Dec 17
Shot this from Mount Pleasant and didn't have my zoom with me for a closer view.

Most of the precast is up now and should be completed by Friday.

No floorplan, but from the Mississauga News: http://www.mississauga.com/news/business/article/1266737--condo-on-sale-for-3-2-million

"a 3,401-sq.-ft. floor plan that features a spacious master bedroom with ensuite washroom, two guest bedrooms, his and hers matching libraries, a living room, a formal dining room with seating for 14 and an attached service area, a kitchen/family room, galleria and a home theatre."

I wonder what this'll do for my property value...

Crossing my fingers since I'm planning on selling in the Spring...
December 25
Its looks like all the precast is up and it will be nice to see that sidewalk open. Notice someone removed part of the fencing to park their car over the holiday, as well allowing access to the street for walkers.

Parking is going to be a real issues once they finish work on Burnhamthorpe bridge area this the cars have taken over that grass area. Once Absolute Dr is finish and Tower E is occupy, not enough room for on street parking for those 2nd to 5th cars when there is supposed to be one or 2 per unit in the first place.

December 25
Its looks like all the precast is up and it will be nice to see that sidewalk open. Notice someone removed part of the fencing to park their car over the holiday, as well allowing access to the street for walkers.

Parking is going to be a real issues once they finish work on Burnhamthorpe bridge area this the cars have taken over that grass area. Once Absolute Dr is finish and Tower E is occupy, not enough room for on street parking for those 2nd to 5th cars when there is supposed to be one or 2 per unit in the first place.

Traffic in that area is going to be brutal - which is probably why council is reluctant to give the go ahead for tall buildings in MCC.
Actually the height limits in MCC proper are pretty generous, reaching 40-50 storeys in many places [1], except for the Square One lands where 2 storeys is the maximum. All of the refused and downsized applications have been in outlying areas like Hurontario-Eglinton and Cooksville. In MCC, Planning and Building is proposing changes to the zoning in the opposite direction [2], including a minimum height of 3 storeys, disallowing residential development near the bus terminal, and regulations for which streets front doors need to face.

[1] http://www6.mississauga.ca/onlinemaps/planbldg/ZoneBylaw/DZBR1/Part 7.pdf
[2] http://www5.mississauga.ca/agendas/planning/2012/01_09_12/Item02InterimControlBylaw.pdf
