Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects





I'm an ironworker. It's our tradition. A flag doesn't mean anything, and its as often an Ironworkers flag as it a Canadian flag. We put an evergreen on top of a completed steel structure to show no one was hurt. This is a concrete structure, and residential at that. Ironworkers didn't put the building up, or the flag for that matter, so showing a google search about our tradition isn't going to prove anything.

Sometimes a flag is just a flag...

It's just showing Canadian pride in a unique construction project...

No special meaning...
that's o.k.......the buildings are in Canada, and they are ours now.....

Indeed. We chose the design, we built it, and we will use it and it will represent a Canadian city. So it does become a part of our heritage, just like the many 19th century buildings designed by British and American architects. Too bad it's not a Canadian design, but these are still significant buildings for us.
The architects from China are just the design architects. Burka Architects made it work.
Citizens, we live in a global village now, and we should be celebrating the coming together of the great Chinese people and we of North Gotham. As long as Robin and I can climb it, what does it matter where one would bat-geo-locate the brains who designed this or made it stand up? Supervillains know no boundaries; neither should "superstructures".
