Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

From today...


Looks amazing! even better in person. This project turned out better than i expected. Even my non skyscraper geek friends turn their heads and say what the hell?? when driving out to Mississauga :)
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I was expecting it to appear much taller when viewed from a distance, but due to it being in Mississauga Valley, it looks just as tall as everything else, as you can see in the above photo. Too bad!
Hey Jasonzed, I re-posted this fantastic picture of yours over at SSP's Great Canadian Skyline Thread and included my editorial. I hope you don't mind.

Whoa! Double Skyline! Full skyline all the way! Oh my God. What does it mean? Whoa! That's so intense! Double skyline!
(My apologies to Paul Vasquez http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQSNhk5ICTI and of course his song too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX0D4oZwCsA )

I was expecting it to appear much taller when viewed from a distance, but due to it being in Mississauga Valley, it looks just as tall as everything else, as you can see in the above photo. Too bad!

I can tell you that viewing it from the 427, Absolute looks way taller than the other buildings in the skyline.
I can tell you that viewing it from the 427, Absolute looks way taller than the other buildings in the skyline.

Yeah its all about the perspective. From the west it looks like the same height as the other tall buildings, but from the east it looks like its about 50% taller than everything else.
Now that we have the people in town who know how to built such a beautiful building, how about someone hire them to build something similar in downtown Toronto? It would sell out quickly.
Now that we have the people in town who know how to built such a beautiful building, how about someone hire them to build something similar in downtown Toronto? It would sell out quickly.

I like the originality of this landmark and I'd prefer that a new landmark condo downtown would have its own original design. The same developer is building L-Tower, which should be stunning.
Yeah its all about the perspective. From the west it looks like the same height as the other tall buildings, but from the east it looks like its about 50% taller than everything else.

11 October 2010: The Absolutely tallest turkey in town:



While on the ground we know things are vastly different, from a quick judgement while viewed from the 427, the Miss skyline looks more impressive and big city like than Toronto's! Luckily, reality is much different.:D
From scenic Mount Garbage in Etobicoke's sylvan Centennial Park, we present for your viewing pleasure, Mississauga City Centre at sunset, starring Absolute World:



