Architect: SvN
Address: 8083 Jane St, Vaughan
Category: Residential (Seniors Home, Hotel, Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Office, Retail), Institutional (Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 656 ft / 200.00 mStoreys: 60 storeys
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Vaughan 8083 Jane | 200m | 60s | MPAR Developments | SvN

The parking ratio is particularly high here because of the convention centre/gatherings venue functions that they want to incorporate from what Bellvue Manor is now.

Didn't realize they're incorporating a convention centre. Wonder if noise/drunk people will be an issue. But then again, it's no different from living next to a bar.
The parking ratio is particularly high here because of the convention centre/gatherings venue functions that they want to incorporate from what Bellvue Manor is now.


Sensible answer (thanks); but that does lead me to wonder, wouldn't the required parking for a convention/banquet facility in Vaughan be high? The difference between required parking and proposed is still very substantial.
jeebus - who in the world is paying that in Vaughan? IIRC the surface lots around downtown are $7 literally across the street. I can't imagine many people without monthly passes are paying that for the KPMG garage.
