Developer: Bell Canada
Architect: WZMH Architects
Address: 76 Adelaide St W, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Office)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 16 storeys
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Toronto 76 Adelaide West Recladding | ?m | 16s | Bell Canada | WZMH


Genuinely one of the prettiest buildings in the city. Do these people have NO SHAME???

There are a few others like it scattered in the core - maybe someone at HPS will pay some proactive attention to those instead of some dinky garbage at some proposed HCD.

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You mean this isn't a restoration? Appalling.

There's something seriously wrong with the system when people with no respect for architectural heritage are allowed to destroy whatever they want. Will we have anything left by the time they put in place adequate safeguards and protections? There's little point if there's nothing that's survived.
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So is it Harrison Chan, principal at WZMH 'Architects', one of the people responsible for the destruction of 76 Adelaide West? You're heading a big architecture firm and you're willing to destroy your city's architectural heritage to make a buck? What's next, doctors amputating people's legs because they want to sell prosthetics? Some people have no shame.

What are the names of the people at Bell, City Hall, etc. who signed off on this? If this is ever going to stop, people need to be held accountable for their actions. And if the system is broken, do your job and fix it.
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From the article. the only innovation I can tell is better eco-performing glass... yay. How about all that embodied carbon from mining, shaping, the stone and fenestrations?

But what is news is that glass technology is reaching new heights and architectural firms such as WZMH are keeping an eye on a recent innovation: vacuum insulating glass (VIG) manufactured by several companies globally.

Art Huard of Toronto-based GlassCan, a building envelope specialist in the glass and glazing industry, says VIG can provide close to four times the R-value that conventional glass offers.

He says VIG employs the same principles as insulated thermos bottles to prevent the conduction and convection of heat through the glass.

Typically, modern commercial glazing in Toronto consists of two lights of six-millimetre (mm) glass, an air gap of 12.5 mms, a Low e-coating and possibly filled with argon gas to achieve an R-value of about four, he says. By comparison, VIG employs only a thin vacuum space between the two glass lights to achieve an R-value of close to 15.

This was such a lovely building, I hope it's not just another glass monstrosity...
The loss of depth and detail is unfortunate, but I do like the idea they are going for, just y'know maybe would've been better on a brand new office building nearby.

Here's this type of glass in action on the Denver Art Museum. (Photo Source)

@AlexBozikovic posted an update on his Twitter feed:

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this would be great on a new build. But for what it’s replacing, it’s infuriating. Nothing less than a desecration. Imagine taking the facade off the Canada Life building or dominion building for some “innovative curtainwall”?

I’m so freaking mad at this.
