Developer: Rockport Group
Architect: Wallman Architects
Address: 733 Mt Pleasant Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 306 ft / 93.25 mStoreys: 27 storeys
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Toronto 733 Mount Pleasant Road | 93.25m | 27s | Rockport Group | Wallman Architects

Before "Funeral Homes" can be constructed, the site has been paved over and used for parking by Crosslinx.

The number of parking spaces per unit has increased from roughly 0.5 to 1.5. A bit strange considering it's 100 metres from a future rapid transit station.
It appears the previous rezoning application for this site has been withdrawn & a new has been submitted.


Ward 15 - North York District

Development Applications

Zoning Bylaw Amendment application for a 27 storey residential building with 264 units, and two levels of below grade parking. The proposal also includes retail uses at grade comprising a Gross Floor area of 586 square metres.
9s to 27s is quite the jump
That is a big change. Definitely motivated by the pending arrival of the Crosstown, a supportive provincial planning framework for increased density around LRT stations, and the erasure of restrictive building height envelop from the now deleted parts of OPA 405.

They are probably well in their rights to move with this jump, as it responds to the changed planning environment. The neighbourhood and local councilor will hate this and fight it every step of the way though.

This will probably not be the final design.
The Crosstown certainly does raise precedents at Mount Pleasant & Eg. Wouldn't be surprised to see something down the line planned for that retail plaza across the street.
Ward 15 - North York District

Zoning Bylaw Amendment application for a 27 storey residential building with 264 units, and two levels of below grade parking. The proposal also includes retail uses at grade comprising a Gross Floor area of 586 square metres.
Proposed Use ---​
# of Storeys 27​
# of Units ---​
Date Submitted​
19 263788 NNY 15 OZ​
Dec 20, 2019​
Under Review​

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