Toronto 66 Isabella | 73.15m | 23s | BDP Quadrangle

I agree - I used to live there. It makes me so sad to see the trees dissappear. And people have said since the green space wasn't a public park so what's the loss? - well its loss to the residents who used it and its a loss to the neighbourhood. When I moved out I still enjoyed walking along this stretch of Church. I also wonder what will happen to the annual summer yards sales which were such institution on this corner of the neighbourhood.

Anyways, I hope the current tenants at least get a discount on their rents for having to put up all of the construction.
Phase I is underway for this project with the removal of all balconies and windows on the east side of the building as it will become a blank wall.

New windows and balconies will be place on the north/south side of the units currently vacant.

The windows and balconies will match the new tower ones when it built. The remaining balconies will be rebuilt to match the new tower as well.

The new parking garage for the new tower will connect to the existing building ones.

Was told the penthouse of the new tower will be the only above ground connection to the existing building. Kind of odd if this happens.

No date is set as to when the real construction will get underway.
They're cutting this back farther than I thought. Imagine what it's like in the apartment adjacent to the construction.

I didn't get a picture today, but it looks like they have moved the trees out to the edge of the property. I'll check again next time I'm out and take a picture.
Application: Building Additions/Alterations Status: Not Started

Location: 66 ISABELLA ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 13 140067 BLD 00 BA Accepted Date: Mar 25, 2013

Project: Multiple Unit Building Addition(s)

Description: Interior alterations and enclosure of the balconies on the east elevation of the building from the 13th to the 25thth floors of the exisiting 25 storey apartment building with commercial at grade.
66 Isabella today, facing Church Street. I wonder if any of the units here are still occupied?

66 Isabella today, facing Church Street. I wonder if any of the units here are still occupied?

Units (east end) not effected by the construction are still occupied. The end units are all empty, as there is no way anyone could live there with all this construction taking place.
What's happening with the trees in the above pictures? It looks like they are being uprooted as opposed to being cut-down. I hope that that is the case since the saddest thing about this project was the loss of the mature trees. Hopefully they can be replanted nearby.
Is there a rendering for this project? I am sorry to ask if it's been posted already but I can't find anything! It is a really interesting project and I hope it turns out well (fingers crossed). It's sad to lose the trees but I am happy to see that many "tower in the park" properties are being repurposed to address the urban context (since those spaces don't tend to work as park spaces. Apparently the TCHC tower at Davenport and Bedford will be one of the next beasts to get this type of treatment.
I am happy to see that many "tower in the park" properties are being repurposed to address the urban context (since those spaces don't tend to work as park spaces. Apparently the TCHC tower at Davenport and Bedford will be one of the next beasts to get this type of treatment.

Very exciting. The "tower in the park" concept was probably one of the worst urban planning mistakes of the century (take "urban" at face value; I'm not including the burbs).
Is there a rendering for this project? I am sorry to ask if it's been posted already but I can't find anything!

No, there is no rendering yet!

