I'd like to say that this proposal absolutely breaks my heart. As someone who has lived in the immediate area for quite a few years now, it makes me sick to think that this one little plot of lush green space with its beautiful mature trees is potentially going to be destroyed for the sake of yet another condo build - one that I'm sure will lack any kind of architectural character and will inevitably look like every other glass tower monstrosity in the city.
This park provides a beautiful space for the many dogs and dog owners in the neighbourhood. It provides a place for people to relax and enjoy some shade during Pride. It's where people in the neighbourhood get to know one another and actually BE neighbours. It encourages people to get outside, and provides a break from the confines of a small square footage apartment. This park plays an integral role in the quality of life for the area's residents.
The parkettes that other people have commented on referencing the homeless, drunks and drug addicts are near the corner of Yonge & Isabella. One of them is particularly bad - the parkette that runs from Charles St. to Isabella St. The reason for this is because a homeless refuge church called Sanctuary is directly beside it. While I commend the efforts of this organization and what it's trying to do, it naturally attracts the homeless to the parkette. And, while my heart normally goes out to the homeless, these tend to be the type that are seemingly beyond help. I avoid walking through that parkette at night as there are normally groups drinking Lysterine from the bottle, being belligerent, quite often very much feeling the effects of whatever the day's drug was. I've been spit on and yelled at for no particular reason. I've seen men passed out on the ground with track marks up their entire arm, black eyes and bleeding noses from an earlier fight. No, this parkette which is also normally covered in litter, is absolutely NOT a substitute for the green space at 66 Isabella St. The people I really feel bad for in this case are the suckers who spent a fortune for a place in either one of the two newer condo towers on Charles St. overlooking this parkette, one of which neighbours Sanctuary.
If Toronto suffers from one thing these days, it's that we're developing beyond our means. We keep building and building with absolutely no infrastructure in place to support the builds. There is seemingly no thought put into the long term strain of what a population addition like this does to a neighbourhood. You're adding that much more foot traffic on the streets in the area and at the nearest subway stations (which are already strained). You're addiing that much more car traffic to the area and creating more gridlock for people trying to get in and out.
AND, am I supposed to get excited about a new RETAIL level on the ground floor?!?! Seriously?!?! Like we need any more retail in that area! What are we going to put in there? Another Tim Hortons? Another pizza joint? A dry cleaner? A Mom & Pop convenience store? A Dollarama? PLEASE!!! I can walk 2 minutes in any direction in that neighbourhood and find five of each of these things. Yet another junky retail area is NOT what this city needs.
Another point of interest is that many people who live in the apartment buildings on Isabella Street are long term tenants - anywhere from 10 - 30 years. What happens to the tenants who currently reside at 66 Isabella Street and have for 20 years? Do they get evicted? Or, do they get to stay while their life is made into an intolerable loud construction zone for a few years, only to have their rent jacked when construction is complete?
Between this potential development and the one to soon be going on at Church & Gloucester, the quality of life for the residents of this neighbourhood is soon to be non-existent - a common running theme in Toronto these days.