Developer: Forgestone Capital
Architect: RAW Design
Address: 64 Prince Arthur Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 151 ft / 46.10 mStoreys: 13 storeys
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Toronto 64 Prince Arthur | 46.1m | 13s | Forgestone | RAW Design

Beautiful! The NIMBYs heads will explode....
Lovely building, but would look sleeker without the balconies. Why is there an obsession with balconies. They ruin so many buildings.
Balconies are demanded by buyer.

Very fluid design. I approve but not in this neighbourhood. It's far too tall and of course the shadow issues are a major concern here with the heavily used Taddle Creek immediately to the north.
NIMBYs won't complain about this site because it has been half a century since single family housing receded from this area. It's all poor condos and poorer apartment blocks; nobody's backyard is backing onto this.

Edit: spoke too soon lol
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This looks AMAZING. I live in the Annex, take my kids to Taddle Creek Park, and 100% approve this right now.

This development is 170m walk to both subway lines at St. George Station. There should be an automatic stamp of approval for this building at this location.

Good thing you don't work in the planning department.
