Toronto 629 King Residences (was Thompson Residences) | 53.34m | 15s | Freed | Saucier + Perrotte

Pre- travel Lodge days, I remember going to the bar in the Executive Inn. Truly old school dive bar with old salesmen drinking rye. I'll miss seeing Bukowski types trying to prove their manliness by doing drunken pushups on dirty carpet while christmas lights lit up the vinyl stools.
Hipster Duck has a good sense of urban streetscape aesthetics. He once pointed out that rowhouses built almost right up to the sidewalk look more metropolitan and can make for an attractive streetscape like in Montreal and New York. I always liked such streets, but he delineated in words what makes them great.....The beauty of Stewart Street is another one of Hipster Duck's astute aesthetic observations.

Are you two sleeping together? (kidding!)
But that's some hefty praise.
17 January 2014:
Those houses will slowly get bought up by developers (Freed). Looks like we may see some glass really soon. Can't wait!
That's news to us! We thought Freed pulled out of King West. Interesting to know he's now coming back.
Those houses will slowly get bought up by developers (Freed). Looks like we may see some glass really soon. Can't wait!

I doubt it. There is not enough area to make those houses a viable redevelopment site. And beside those houses, on Bathurst, is the brick is the 4 storey historic building that is unlikely to be demolished. Of course this is Toronto where nothing is sacred, so you never know.
That's true, too. Well, not the comment that nothing is sacred in Toronto. That's somewhat cynical.
That's true, too. Well, not the comment that nothing is sacred in Toronto. That's somewhat cynical.

I am very cynical about the development industry in Toronto. And not without good reason. In the short time I've lived here (6 yrs) I've seen significant heritage properties 'accidentally' burn to the ground soon after owners were refused permission to demolish, rezonings that were aggressively pushed through the OMB, demolitions that took place because 'build toronto' (controlled by the ford's to a certain extent) issued rush demolition permits without following due process.... The list goes on and on.

And the process by which Freed gained permission to go way over-height on the Thompson is as egregious an example of brazen disregard for good planning as there ever was.
Unfortunately, the as-of-right zonings in place downtown don't represent today's reality. Because of this, developers, politicians, planners, and the public, all have to work within the outdated framework. While sometimes things may appear fishy, there really is nothing sinister going on. Change the framework and things will be different, rather than having to rely on section 37 funds and unnecessary negotiations deemed in the public interest.

The Thompson Residence will add immensely to this stretch. I guess we see what we want to see, but the system isn't fraught with evil-doers. That's nuts.
1 March 2014
Noticed: house for sale--is Freed slowly buying up the nimbies?

Those houses held out selling to Freed long time ago and I would think they are regretting it now.
The grey house tried to sell a while ago unsuccessfully. It's a beautifully renovated house with a nice swimming pool in the backyard. I believed it was originally offered for $1.7million, but was price chopped to about $1.5million before it was taken off the market and was rented instead.
Experiencing years of construction noise and dust and after that a tall wall of two condo buildings with hundreds of new residents looking down on you would be major lifestyle downgrade.
Unfortunately, the as-of-right zonings in place downtown don't represent today's reality. Because of this, developers, politicians, planners, and the public, all have to work within the outdated framework. While sometimes things may appear fishy, there really is nothing sinister going on. Change the framework and things will be different, rather than having to rely on section 37 funds and unnecessary negotiations deemed in the public interest.

The Thompson Residence will add immensely to this stretch. I guess we see what we want to see, but the system isn't fraught with evil-doers. That's nuts.

There are numerous recent instances of developers demolishing by neglect, using lawyers and the OMB to quash common sense and the best interests of the community, using arson to further their interests.... It all depends what you consider evil.
There are some instances of people playing nasty, but they're pretty isolated. Despite that you enjoy making lazy, blanket accusations that tar and feather the entire process. If you're going to impugn, please start being specific. Cite cases. Otherwise it will be considered trolling, and trolling is not allowed on UT.

