Toronto 5959 Yonge Street Condos | 146.5m | 46s | Ghods Builders | Hadi Teherani

Ghods Builder built some condos and townhouses west of Yonge & Finch, very good build quality; highly regarded within Persian community. Too bad for Ghods since this site north of Cummer is within the Persian community’s Tehranto area along Yonge between Cummer & Steeles.

Here, City stalling because they don’t want Yonge St North Secondary Plan (Cummer/Drewry to Steeles) going forward without Yonge Subway extension and also want to first fill up North York Centre Secondary Plan area to south (70% full). Why would developers redevelop the less prime in-between subway station land within North York Centre Secondary Plan when there’s better prime land available in Yonge St North Secondary Plan???
First of all this 5959 Yonge project by Ghod has NOT been “terminated”. It’s on-going,... at OMB and in City’s best interest to “stall” the zoning.

Secondly, when it comes to contracts it’s not a matter of acting in good faith or not,.... it’s a matter of what in the fine prints,.... and the developer is always going to cover their @ss,.... as we’ve seen at Cosmos in Vaughan.

As for controveral big projects, this 5959 Yonge is really just a baby starting out 6 years ago,..... it took Newtonbrook Plaza redevelopment 10 years to get final approval they just got, Tridel HullmarkCentre really took about 20+ years, Conservatory Groups Pearl Place seems to be about 30 years stalled,.... ConservatoryGroup’s Ruby seem to be about 15 years stalled,.... and they’re within the North York Centre Secondary Plan.

Hi Sunnyraytoronto!

Do you know whats the latest position of 5959 ?

What's came out of last OMB ?

Please inform us.
There has been no publication of any results from the OMB mediation meetings in February or March of this year yet.

Ghods Builder built some condos and townhouses west of Yonge & Finch, very good build quality; highly regarded within Persian community.
Having lived in one of the Ghods condos I can say that the building quality is terrible. Lots of repairs needed to large mechanical parts that should have lasted a long time. There was a major lawsuit between the condo Corp and Ghods to fix structural leaks on the terraces . It took years to settle and he was so petty that he took back lobby furniture and accessories.

He uses cheap material to make things look fancy or calls things luxury but is very basic stuff. He also did not pay his bills to the city and our building was owed back taxes and took forever to register and close. The exterior architecture is somewhat unique in the Lorraine towers he built but 5959 Yonge looks like generic gey-blue glass wall crap like the rest of the city.

Buyer beware.
It's said this project is dead 99.99%, but how come no cancellation announced like Cosmos and Icona?
Forum etiquette includes not activating threads with needless questions. It would be posted if someone had news to share. A few months for developments is mere seconds to you and I.
5959 Yonge St. Condos is a 550-unit high-rise project that sold in 2014 but still has no planning permission to begin construction. According to sales representatives with developer Ghods Builders Inc. contacted by The Globe, buyers in the first of two towers have begun getting their deposits back. The planning for this project extends back to 2011, with many decisions and appeals between now and then. According to City of Toronto planning staff, the last unsuccessful mediation session with Ghods was in early 2018, and no further moves have been made on the site since.
Given recent events, it's prudent I update my posts from 2 years ago,.... where I stated Ghods' 5959 Yonge project likely won't see shovel in ground for decades based on:
- Yonge Subway north extension not being done until around 2045 (City forecast at time)
- City's Yonge Street North Secondary Plan in final draft but really written as just-in-case scenario if rouge developer north of Cummer/Drewry wins at OMB or Subway extension north happens

Recent events in the last few months:
- Provincial PC Government have committed to getting Yonge Subway north extension completed by around 2029-2030 (about 10 years from now) - with solid funding
- City been finalizing Yonge Street North Secondary Plan from final draft mode to reality - but strong opposition to having new condo residents move in before Yonge Subway north extension open. Given it takes about 2 years application phase plus 4-5 years construction, we could see Yonge Street North Secondary Plan accept development proposal in 3 years from now - 2022?
- Ghods cancelling 5959 Yonge project they sold at 2014 prices,....

While Ghods has been bailing on their current 5959 Yonge project,.... over the years, they've continue to acquire more land for a larger land assembly (besides 5959 Yonge, as of May 2019 Ghods and it's various entities owns 44, 46, 48 & 50 Cummer Ave, 1, 2 & 6 Doverwood Court and 11 & 15 Wedgewood Court - all with a Ghods named as owner or have the same 333 Sheppard East unit 300 mailing address for the office of Ghods Builders - all marked in Red)... and potentially getting ready for a much larger future Ghods project here - but it's not that simple:
- since large development project within North York Centre Secondary Plan & thus this Yonge Street North Secondary Plan requires driveways to empty out onto side-street or service road whenever possible. IE: 5959 is landlocked if it can't empty traffic onto Yonge,... their original proposed north-south service road was too close to Yonge and didn't align with Silvercore/Aoyuan's M2M J-shaped service road
- the newer proposed service road in Ghods' master-plan still doesn't align with Silvercore/Aoyuan's M2M J-shaped service road - because 5945-5949 Yonge (existing 15-storey condo on L-shaped lot) is in the way!
- Existing 15 storey old condo apartment building (individually owned units) at 5945-5949 Yonge has large L-shaped adjacent land south & east of 5959 Yonge
- Other land-owners in area - mostly family homes, property-investors or other land-assembler (5935 Yonge, 40 & 42 Cummer in Blue)
- NOTE: I'm not able to trace ownership of 2 empty lots (coloured in Green) directly east of 5959 Yonge (both about 100ft X 100ft) and thus did not colour them Red like other Ghods properties but I suspect they're owned by Ghods - giving them direct link between 5959 Yonge with Doverwood Court properties for Service Road

This map is Ghods' 5959 MasterPlan - including land Ghods owns (Red) and land they don't (not highlighted or Blue for another land-assembler); Green highlighted land between 5959 Yonge and 1 & 2 Doverwood Court is likely Ghods'











Yes, Ghods Builders also owns 333 Sheppard Ave East where their office is on 3rd floor
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There's movement on this one; resubmitting docs:

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