Toronto 550 Wellington West and 1 Hotel | ?m | 15s | Freed | a—A

It always amazes me that these old Toronto photos have few people around or cars...perhaps it highlights the urban boom downtown today.
Well, this part of town was full of auto repair shops and crumbling industry in those days. It wasn't alive with entertainment and culture.
Did anyone else receive a revised occupancy date letter? I received my letter today.

Mine has been changed to December 17th. It was November 4th.
Fourth Floor.
I still don't get why I am always last to get these letters. I live a block down the street from the sales centre!

Too bad about the delay, but it was expected. I am sort of hoping my date gets pushed back into the spring now.
I still haven't received my revised letter for the 10th floor - I agree, Mike this was kind of expected...
Got mine as well. Dec4th to Jan6th - 6th floor

Anyone have any idea when this building will become registered? I always hear 4-12 months after occupancy, but does anyone have a more accurate timeline?
Got mine as well. Dec4th to Jan6th - 6th floor

Anyone have any idea when this building will become registered? I always hear 4-12 months after occupancy, but does anyone have a more accurate timeline?

nobody has an accurate timeline for the registration. not even the builder, it depends on many factors, however from my experience with 455 Adelaide (Freed project), the building got registered 5 or 6 months after the first unit was occupied. so according to this, I would say maybe April or May, 550 is a bigger project though
Walked by this today and the ground level is taking shape. It appears the main level will be completely glass. They were installing tall vertical glass beams along the street which should support the windows. It's going to look great.
There's also a lighting feature coming up where all of those glass beams are going to be lit up at night. Should be a very interesting look
Has there been confirmation of what the retail will be here? Is it just the hotel? I seem to remember there was room for other retail as well, and we're starting to get fairly close to would be great to know what's going to be going in there.
As far as I know retail is still on for the Bathurst/Stewart corner but hasn't been announced. You can see the entrance there where the exterior elevator there. I remember there was a listing for that retail space on DTZ Barnicke but its long gone. I'm hoping for an alternative to that disgusting Kitchen Table across the street.
Ccount me in! It's a little tiring that Toronto still looks like a frontier town with all those wooden poles stuck everywhere.
