Developer: CentreCourt
Architect: Arcadis
Address: 55 Mercer St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2024
Height: 510 ft / 155.50 mStoreys: 47 storeys
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Toronto 55 Mercer | 155.5m | 47s | CentreCourt | Arcadis

Tom Bitove, whose family owns the building that houses the two downtown staples, confirmed to CityNews that a condo project is being developed in partnership with CentreCourt.

Bitove says the new building will be over 40 stories high but the number of units it will house is yet to be determined.

The first floor of the development is slated for retail space, including a major restaurant chain that Bitove said could not be disclosed just yet.

The condo is set to be completed by 2023 and sales are to open by the middle of next year.

Second City COO D’Arcy Stuart confirmed that they have to vacate the premises by November 2020 and are on the hunt for a new spot.


CentreCourt’s next project, 55 Mercer, near King Street West and Spadina Avenue in downtown Toronto, will go on sale next year.
Site Plan materials are in. IBI Group:


Not very inspiring but it is clean and simple. I'm liking the move towards more colours and materiality.
From my apartment view all of the entertainment district buildings blur together into an ugly grey mass, so I welcome any injection of colour into said mass.
Too bad about the whole 157 meter BS,
hopefully in the next wave of construction we'll see some 200+ meter built in between
Remember as well that this is running off a 10 year old zoning approval, which is dense enough it doesn't make sense to rezone it again.

New applications in the Entertainment District have essentially broken through the limit now, but so many projects got approved prior to the "break" that they are held to it.
Wow! we're starting to see some Earth Tone colour building facades instead of the blue green black and white look in this area . This area needs some other harmonizing colours .
