Developer: DC Dev Corp
Address: 457 Richmond Street West, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 187 ft / 57.00 mStoreys: 19 storeys
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Toronto 457 Richmond Street West | 57m | 19s | DC Dev Corp | a—A

Good read. The City really got mauled here.

City Council consideration on October 2, 2019

451-457 Richmond Street West - Appeal of a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Decision

On July 15, 2019, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (the “LPAT”) issued a decision approving, in part, the Zoning By-law Amendment Application made pursuant to section 34(11) of the Planning Act for the property at 451-457 Richmond Street West. The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act allows the parties to a hearing to seek a review of a decision of the LPAT. The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act also allows the parties to a hearing to seek leave to appeal a decision of the LPAT to the Divisional Court. The City Solicitor requires further directions.​
I would kill to see this kind of building along Spadina Ave. too. Instead of point towers etc., the ideal situation is something chunky and reminiscent of the sort of warehouse massing (and roofline datum) seen in the old warehouses and commercial buildings along Spadina.
In fairness though, several projects in the pipeline along Spadina do feature brick or stone on the podium component or general motif. Such as Great Gulf's 411 King West, Devron's 101 Spadina, Plaza's 170 Spadina, and Manga's 184 Spadina. Even the Taylor rental tower has brick grid pattern on majority of its vertical expanse.
Looks like some subtle changes made such as removing the slight setbacks between the original three divided sections, and the one level of glazing removed at the final third. Personally, I quite like this new look. Reminds me of those sleek contemporary infill buildings that you'd find in New York City.
This one made another trip up the stairs, obtaining OLT Zoning approval in May '22.

The SPA has now been filed w/the City.

From the above:



Height (in storeys) unchanged, developer and arch. firm unchanged) so I think we're getting something here pretty close to what we last saw.
