Developer: Cadillac Fairview
Architect: WZMH Architects, Pellow + Associates Architects, B+H Architects
Address: 401 Bay Street, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Office)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2021
Height: 472 ft / 143.86 mStoreys: 33 storeys
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Toronto 401 Bay Street | 143.86m | 33s | Cadillac Fairview | WZMH

...and nothing of value was lost.
You wouldn't be alone in that assessment here, but I wouldn't book too large a room for your party.

was Dec 7 2015? I found in #134 and said "it starts" so mean Dec 7 2018 will be 3 years and still not finish? OMG!
The spandrel infection on that building is slow but deadly. The overgrowth is nearly complete. Soon enough the building will be completely sterilized and its impact on the skyline utterly erased, don't you doubt that.
The spandrel infection on that building is slow but deadly. The overgrowth is nearly complete. Soon enough the building will be completely sterilized and its impact on the skyline utterly erased, don't you doubt that.

Ok, I was not sure how long until last night I found out that been 3 years make me shocked and I am not sure if this tower will be good job? good recladding? only I know First Canadian Place really 100% good job and I love it so Richmond Adelaide Centre at 120 & 130 Adelaide St W will good job and I know I will love it anyway this 401 Bay Street recladding still not finish? mean will be 4 1/2 years or 5 years? very slowing! but when they done and this tower will be beautiful? good job? hard to believe but I have to wait to see unless my illness not take my life away because I got alzheimer's what doctor told me but I'm only 40's but doctor said "Most people with early-onset Alzheimer's develop symptoms of the disease in their 40s and 50s" that why I have to write all my email, password, everything like facebook, urban toronto, google. ebay, paypal, bank online, everything in USB Keyboard so I won't lose any account if I can't remember but USB Keyboard information saving, only I know I will not give up and I hope I will see this tower finish in next year or 2 years from now but recladding construction been very slowing! First Canadian Place did fast recladding than 401 Bay Street?
