Toronto Central Condos | 138.98m | 46s | Concord Adex | DIALOG

I also would hate to see those homes removed for a glass tower that will only make this street, a no go zone. At the very least, put some retail or something to make the street interesting. This area is reaching the saturation point when it comes to glass boxes. It is going to become so bland if we don't keep a few warehouses and Victorian homes. All streets in this district need to have retail on the first floor. (and even the second, where possible) The area could also use some culture/entertainment venues too, instead of just condos, condos, condos.
Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 40 WIDMER ST

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 14 266098 SHO 00 PP Accepted Date: Dec 22, 2014

Project: Apartment Building Partial Permit - Shoring

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct a 41 storey condo with 426 residential units and 6 levels of below grade parking. 40-58 WIDMER ST.
Wait, wouldn't they need to get a demolition permit for the current houses first? :S Also, how is it that Greenpark feel ready to begin shoring work if we haven't even seen any marketing or sales? Is this an investor condo?
Hmm. Might they be opting to build a rental tower here instead?

Hmm. Might they be opting to build a rental tower here instead?


If this is in fact to be a rental tower, then combined with the other proposed rental towers, might Toronto be moving toward a New York model, with a lot of highrises built as rental apartments, instead of individual owners sub-letting condos?
Apparently the rental market remains very, very tight at 1.1% in 'Toronto Centre' (not sure of the boundaries of the area), so while many of the condos going up these days will be added as individual units to the rental supply, there does seem to be quite a bit of room in the market for more dedicated rental buildings.

Not that we know for sure what this is yet. We will know by some time in January, I'm sure, unless anyone has any particular intel to divulge now.

Per the meeting last night, this is now 41 storeys inclusive of a 7 storey podium. The site access has been changed and the window dressing is also a bit different.

It is, unfortunately, still G+C and Greenpark. Interpret that how you will...



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I'd call that an improvement over…


Photo of original G+C rendering by @Big Daddy

but I'm not sure it's an improvement over the existing condition:

Original photo by @AlbertC

It's not a very deep lot. I can understand that any redevelopment of the lot would be severely complicated by retaining the homes, and I'm not sure that the homes would look could with a 40+ storey building looming above them anyway. While tower separations here are greater than the 25 metre minimum that the city requires…


…the distance from the lower floors to the office buildings immediately to the south on Adelaide and to the west on Peter (neither coloured in the image above, just outlined) have me a bit skeptical. Mostly I just like the pocket of Victorians there and I will miss them.



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Agreed. I am all for new projects, but I really liked that row. For 1 very short block it felt like you were somewhere else. :confused:
The homes would look awkward incorporated into the tower. They look out of place in this rapidly developing high rise. Oridinary British styled rowhouses too. Different than another glass tower but, hardly the best usage of the site.

Value of multi-rental apartments is skyrocketing; doubled in a few short years. Gives developers many more options than just selling as condos.
It should also weed out those developers who are just looking to capitalize on a shoddy product and get out ASAP from those willing to put their name / reputation on the line and stay in a project for the long term. Purpose-built rental requires far larger time, image and capital investments.
