3718 and 3730 Kingston Road
Virtual Community Consultation Meeting
Monday, July 10, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
"application to amend the relevant Zoning By-law to allow the redevelopment of the subject site with a new 20 storey, mixed use building comprised of 384 residential apartment units as well as ground floor retail commercial space."
Noting that - "Our proposal is for a mixed-use building containing rental units including 10% affordable housing and ground floor community-serving commercial uses. The design prioritizes the environment by using sustainable building practices and technologies. It also includes generous amenity space for residents by way of a central courtyard."
I LOVE the courtyard idea. I don’t get why this is so rare in Toronto. I’ve travelled to a few cities worldwide and every AirBnB I’ve stayed in is a courtyard style building like this (not as tall) (LA, Paris, Dublin, London)
Total storeys increased from 20 to 22 due to a relabeling of the courtyard level as Level 2 and habitable residential space being included on the mechanical penthouse level (22)