Toronto One Thirty Eight | 144.05m | 31s | Cityzen | BBB

I think the hertiage part would work better with the current design, IMO. I am not sure why they are not including it.
The ground plane was much better in the previous iteration. With good materials this could turn out well, but what they're proposing at the corner needs to be revised
This is going to be luxury market product, I don't expect they would cheap out on materials if they are planning to get only 100 units in the building. People will pay for the luxury status, cheapening the materials goes totally against this market strategy

The tower architecture is perfectly fine, and depending on the bronze-ish material they use, this could actually be quite striking.

The big concern is tearing down York Square. That's a big ask and the replacement cube does not return the favour, Could we get something circular, something with radical architecture? It needs to make the same statement that York Square did, radically intriguing and attractive for its time.
This is going to be luxury market product, I don't expect they would cheap out on materials if they are planning to get only 100 units in the building. People will pay for the luxury status, cheapening the materials goes totally against this market strategy

Just look a few blocks east to see this isn't true.
Many of the retail units are now vacant:

I'm going to miss those circular windows. Along with York Square overall, they captured and symbolized the rise the growth of Yorkville in the 60/70's.

Event Information: 33-49 Avenue Road & 136-150 Yorkville Avenue - Community Consultation Meeting

Date and time:Monday, October 26, 2020 6:00 pm
Eastern Daylight Time (Toronto, GMT-04:00)
Change time zone
Duration:2 hours
The City has received an application to amend the Zoning By-Law to permit a new 29-storey (125.1 metres, including mechanical penthouse) mixed-use building containing 4,454 square metres of commercial space, 100 residential units, and 220 vehicle parking spaces.

Please visit the Site's Application Information Centre website at for more information.
The proponent shared some slightly more refined renderings on Monday's public consultation. As you can see from the above, Heritage still opposes the demolition of the existing buildings, but Layton was cagey on his position (the relevant residents associations all spoke in favour of demolition).

Also, apparently the design of the standalone retail building is a placeholder, and it will be designed by a different architect.

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Site Plan Approval application submitted:

Development Applications

Updated project description:
Proposal for a 29-storey mixed-use building having a non-residential gross floor area of 3,868 square metres, and a residential gross floor area of 25,254 square metres. A total of 78 residential dwelling units are proposed.
