More details on this updated banger! It's also going to be rental instead of condos now
From the cover letter:
This report provides an overview of the requested variances to increase the building height and floor area and reduce the parking requirements for the previously approved development at 3239-3251 Dundas Street West in Toronto, Ontario (the ‘subject site’). This report includes are view and analysis of the applicable policy framework, and a review of the four tests contained in Section 45 of the Planning Act.
The approved development on the site comprises a 9-storey 32-metre building (to the top of the mechanical penthouse). The requested minor variances are necessary to permit a proposed 11-storey building with a height of 39.4 metres to the top of the wrapped mechanical penthouse level. The revisions are proposed to:
● facilitate the conversion of the project from condominium to rental tenure;
● significantly improve the energy performance of the building; and,
● significantly increase the separation distance between the development and the neighbourhood to the south. The proposed development comprises a new 11-storey, 10,062 square metre, mixed-use building with 138 rental apartment units, including 27% two bedroom and 10% three-bedroom units. A total of 28 vehicle parking spaces, 154 bike parking spaces, and 552 square metres of amenity space are proposed.
I reckon this may have been the previous iteration