Toronto 3140 Dufferin | 90.6m | 26s | RioCan | Arcadis

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May 5, 2007
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South Parkdale
More development coming to the Dufferin/Lawerence area to

Ward 15 - North York District

Demolish exiting retail store mall. Create new public road; construct two new mixed use buildings containing 53,772.0 square metres residential gross floor area(578 dwelling units) and non residential gross floor area of 5,632.0 square metres.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
OPA 15 247805 NNY 15 OZ Nov 5, 2015 Under Review

Im going to say it on every dang thread which has a dufferin address. Build a dang street car here already. Im loving the development though and the disappearing plazas.
Wish it would change faster but im very excited for Lawrence to 401 on Dufferin in 20 years especially when you add in Lawrence Heights redevelopment.
Wish it would change faster but im very excited for Lawrence to 401 on Dufferin in 20 years especially when you add in Lawrence Heights redevelopment.

It all sounds great, but how is the Dufferin bus gonna handle all this?
This area has good highway access, good transit access with two subway stations close by and is also close to Yorkdale. It should be booming even more.
It all sounds great, but how is the Dufferin bus gonna handle all this?
The problem isnt the development it is the lack of a streetcar on Dufferin. I understand that the old streetcars could not do the climb so it wasnt possible but the new ones can. The problem is that the TTC only wants to do streetcar additions if they are ROW and various parts of dufferin are not wide enough. My belief is an exception should be made in this case and a streetcar should be put in and dufferin on street parking should be completely removed.
The problem isnt the development it is the lack of a streetcar on Dufferin. I understand that the old streetcars could not do the climb so it wasnt possible but the new ones can. The problem is that the TTC only wants to do streetcar additions if they are ROW and various parts of Dufferin are not wide enough. My belief is an exception should be made in this case and a streetcar should be put in and Dufferin on street parking should be completely removed.
At first I thought you were kidding about the streetcar, but now I see that you're actually serious about it. Any kind of streetcar on Dufferin would be an unmitigated, failed disaster in the making (along the levels of the 501).

First of all the route would be fairly long (and the TTC has shown it's ineptness to run any kind of streetcar line properly). Second, any kind of short turning you currently see with the Dufferin bus would be made 10x worse with streetcars because of the first reason I gave. Third, do you really think that blocking 2 lanes of traffic for picking up and offloading passengers would make traffic any better on Dufferin?

The whole Dufferin traffic situation is a tricky one; one that I think would only be solved with either an underground LRT, subway or a parallel LRT/subway on a street like Bathurst or Keele.
My ideal plan would be a subway up Dufferin (the western portion of the drl). But I do think a streetcar could work. From eglinton to Wilson station it could run in a ROW. I would probably prefer It g underground at eglinton with stops at Rogers, St Claire dupont an then it would be above ground from Bloor to the water. It would be unique but I see t Dufferin problem big enough it needs a radical approach.
Mods, time to update the title of this thread

Ward 15 - North York District

Application to amend the Official Plan to permit two mixed use buildings of 28 and 22 storeys. A total of 578 residential units, 878 parking spaces and 1135 bicycle parking spaces are proposed. Also proposed is a new public park and new public roads.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
OPA 15 247805 NNY 15 OZ Nov 5, 2015 Under Review
I'm interested to see the site plan for this one, it's a fairly large site for only 2 towers.

Also, absolutely loving the insane amount of bike parking going into new development now.
I'm interested to see the site plan for this one, it's a fairly large site for only 2 towers.

Also, absolutely loving the insane amount of bike parking going into new development now.
Why is that a good thing when it probably won't be heavily utilized?
future proofing so to speak.

The higher standards are great for areas in the downtown especially, where bike parking is often overflowing, if provided at all.

The amount of parking in this building doesn't seem right however, the rate for this site should be 0.75 per unit and they are providing nearly 2.0 per unit..
