Developer: Tridel
Address: 3100 Bloor St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 189 ft / 57.70 mStoreys: 16 storeys
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Toronto 3100 Bloor Street West | 57.7m | 16s | Tridel | Kirkor

There is an improvement over the previous iteration in breaking up the massing in this surprisingly good effort by Kirkor.

You know..........I can't say this design thrills me any; but you do have a good point; it seems borderline competent, which coming from Kirkor is astoundingly good. It's not nearly as busy as most of their efforts.

Someone nominate them for an award! LOL
They've put up new wooden fences here (and painted them black), and they've also done some work to the old GMC/Chev dealership building. Anyone know whats going on there? Will it be a sales centre?
They've put up new wooden fences here (and painted them black), and they've also done some work to the old GMC/Chev dealership building. Anyone know whats going on there? Will it be a sales centre?
Yes, the sales centre will be here.
July 9th
For some reason I had it in my mind that only the Humberview Motors dealership was the extent of the site. I had forgotten that it extended to Montgomery road as well. I'll shoot it again in the late fall when the leaves are off the trees to capture those houses on Montgomery..



Not as elegant a massing as the original, but it could have been a worse outcome. I'll look forward to more detailed plans and renderings, and hope it's kept the handsome extruded frame look at least on the lower levels of the original proposal!

Totally, not as nice but also not that bad, I would like to see more of it too
A new minor variance was submitted. The total car parking changed from 421 parking to 339 parking.

What date do you have on the MV?

I have a Cover Letter from April with slightly different info....
