So they're looking at redeveloping the building on the right hand side of this pic:
Seems to me like that will create a mish-mash of architectural styles.
The potential floor plate isn't bad, though slightly sub-optimal for office side in today's market.
I can understand the thought process that leaves the northern building, as separation distances would eat-in to any rebuild there.
Still, if one were to consider redeveloping this space, I think it would probably make more sense to look at all three buildings together.
Those 2 buildings on the south are only 17M apart; a non-issue currently with both uses being office, their comparative short-ness.
But depending on the layout of a new tower on the east side of the site, it may impair redevelopment of the western tower; same owner, so that would be their choice.
Likewise, the northerly building is as close as 11M to the south-eastern one targeted for redevelopment.
My thought is that might impair long-term potential.
But it's not my lot!