Developer: H&R REIT
Address: 310-330 Front St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 740 ft / 225.40 mStoreys: 70 storeys
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Toronto 310 Front West | 225.4m | 70s | H&R REIT | Hariri Pontarini

Is it a poor reflection on me that I read your post as "ball buster"?

edit to add: H&R are struggling lately so their finances are likely not in a place to pull this off. Along with the precon condo market being 80% down.
Nah, I really think they can take on this as well as the two unbuildable jokes at 55 Yonge and 145 Wellington. I bet they do it all at once!
Brown? Really??
This is way better than what they were proposing before! And we definitely need some buildings in this area. From the sea of green, blue, black and white towers that exist. The brown tone colours and thick detailed cladding around the windows etc adds characters. And it's not just a plain rectangular box. But an art deco vibe look from of the early 20th century. Which in my opinion I don't mind them tearing down these two towers this time compared to before.
(You know what I'm going to say here re: this will not be constructed...)

You didn't even need to say it tbh. We knew. I want to see something built here, but I'd rather not this, so I am ok with this as a 'value creation' exercise. With 50bps looming and another 50pbs in December looming, I have the feels the market will be picking up. Slower than it used to be, but that's my predication.
My initial thoughts are that these have an almost AI-esque quality to them. It's as if someone with a little too much time on their hands prompted an AI image generator to "create a pair of towers that combine elements of Art-Deco, the impossible lines of a Penrose structure and the colour palette of a 1971 kitchen" and this is the monstrosity it spat out at them.
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Well, there’s a semblance of a cool design here. But it’s so deeply unserious as presented I don’t want to waste time going over what I like and don’t like. They just want the density approved.

It honestly looks like someone took a proposal from the 905, touched the dimensions, and moved it downtown once the market got sour. All of it with an Art_Deco_Siding.pkg bucket fill.
