Toronto 300 Front Street West | 156.05m | 49s | Tridel | Wallman Architects

That northern wall design looks like it might be promising, hoping they continue the pattern all the way across the wall. I'm still undecided about this project. The balcony glass will be the deciding factor.
The balcony glass will be the deciding factor.

It was everything at Reve. It made a huge difference at Festival Tower. It's a major part of the design of L Tower as we are just now seeing.

People weigh in pretty early on these buildings before many details are still to appear to complete the look. It makes more sense to me to wait.

agreed. balcony glass plays such a key role in buildings, and people often dismiss the buildings before it is put up. For example, Clear spirit's look changed completely, (and for the better) when the balcony glass started to go up.
I'm hoping the balcony glass for the all black portion is all black itself, that's my favourite part of the tower so far.
I cringe at the thought of Tridel putting up an even taller version of this monstrosity on our lakefront. No amount of balcony glass will help this stinker.
They just don't give a crap.

Look at Cityzen, looking at new and creative ways (for cladding) to distinguish their Sherbourne & Selby project from the rest. They are a developer taking the initiative to come up with something totally different as far as cladding goes. Tridel on the other hand is shoving spandrel projects like 101 Erskine, Atria, Argento (just to name a few) down our throats. 300 Front was a project that was supposed to be something special, but instead has turned out to be a complete disappointment. Tridel is great with their interior finishings, but may be it's time they invest in some better visual technology (exterior). Ten York will be a huge disappointment as well.
It's not bad enough that Tridel is consistently pushing spandrel but does it always have to be grey? Would it kill them to try some other colours? (Or why not just simple black and white?) What Tridel and other developers are doing to Toronto is unacceptable. I wish that buyers would start to demand better designed buildings AND BOYCOTT UGLY GREY SPANDREL!
Which developer doesn't use predominately blue glass in the vast majority of their projects?

The only thing Tridel is the king of is bland mediocrity.

*edited to add: I'd like to retract my earlier comment that I thought Ten York looked great. The more I've mulled over the renderings, the less I like this design. It's pretty lackluster, and I expected more from Wallman. The attempted flatiron massing is clumsy. It doesn't resolve properly, but instead stops abruptly for the sake of creating balconies. What should be a relatively clean and simple triangular floorplate is interrupted by more balconies and those monolithic walls of spandrel. Given how prominent this location will be, Tridel really dropped the ball here.
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I see a whole lot of grey mixed in with that blue. James Cooper Mansions sure looks pretty grey to me. I've gone by Hullmark Centre, and I remember seeing a significant amount of grey spandrel on that one too. Obviously, Toronto home buyers are screaming out for more grey on their condos but would it destroy developers to try a few new colour combinations? Are we really demanding that much grey in our winter weary city? When is enough, enough?
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I always thought Tridel was the reigning "King of Blue Condos" Accolade- our bluest building.

What do you mean "our"? Are you actually affiliated with Tridel? If you got some pull, tell them to add some red to Ten York, please for the love of God lol. I don't understand how the Tridel logo can be nothing but red, yet seemingly only build blue and grey buildings...?
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What do you mean "our"? Are you actually affiliated with Tridel? If you got some pull, tell them to add some red to Ten York, please for the love of God lol. I don't understand how the Tridel logo can be nothing but red, yet seemingly only build blue and grey buildings...?

I think he means 'our' as in the building belongs to the citizens of Toronto by existing within our urban fabric. Sure Tridel built it, but the people around it have just as much stake in it as it affects their lives symbolically and physically during their day to day lives. So in that sense, it is our building.
He means 'our' as in Tridel's. Tridelwebmaster is Tridel's webmaster. Is that really such a stretch?

