Clearly should be towers.
Would you care to elaborate on that comment?
A quick review shows:
That the site is not in an MTSA, and is greater than 1km from the nearest subway station. No new higher order transit is contemplated here.
That the site is not on a major N-S transit route, Avenue Road 61 provides service a measly every 20M off-peak service.
There is no precedent for a tower nearby.
There's no major highway nearby either.
Now, don't get me wrong, I don't oppose a tower here; I just find that that statement to lack substantiation.
From a density perspective, the site is a profound intensification; I don't really see that as a waste.
In fact, when you consider 665 units at average occupancy for apartments/condos, and then look at the site area, you're talking a density that's nearly double the City average.
The architecture is bland, but its First Capital and TF, Better was never a reasonable expectation.
Just out of curiosity, I did a quick back-of-the-envelope modelling of this site in tower form; you would need something in the range of 25s just to hold the current unit count {because the floor plates would be a lot smaller, and the separation distances greater)
But that would be more expensive to build than what's First Capital would have to build well in excess of 30s to make the numbers work; and that presumes they could get that approved here (which I don't think they could).
But even if they could, this is a very car-centric proposal, do you really want to add 50% more cars, assuming you could jack the unit total by 50%?
Final thought, I would prefer a different proponent and architect, better architecture, a better site plan, and less parking with a clear plan in conjunction with the City for improved walkability, bikeability and transit service nearby. Sadly, that isn't what we have here, and likely never would.