Toronto 2501 Victoria Park | 43.55m | 11s | SmartCentres | Rafael + Bigauskas

Urban planning wise I find Victoria Park a dog's breakfast.


Really some type of cohesive strategy from St. Clair to Steels would be most welcome.

No. VP clearly diverges in architectural era, typology and purpose multiple times. I don't think it would make sense to be cohesive over that entire stretch.

St. Clair to south of Eglinton is primarily SFH, this section should be intensified, a moderate scale, with midrise and/or intensified townhomes, with bits of retail sprinkled in for good measure.

The Golden Mile section (new O'Connor to Golden Mile boulevard) is addressed in that context

Everything from there to the CP corridor is Low-rise to mid-rise rental form, needs more retail, needs an additional, collector/arterial E-W mid-way between Eglinton and Lawrence than supports transit and higher densities.

North of the CP corridor to the 401 is a full on mishmash of hirise, down to one-storey retail, townhomes and SFH. Since the hirises are staying, we know where this is going, and it should do so with a measure of cohesion.

North of the 401 is the VP/Consumers employment node, with high density residential sprinkled into it. This should be a serious node on all 4-corners of the VP/Sheppard intesection.

Density then vanishes just to the north, with all again....a more gradual intensification is in order with townhomes and midrise, plus whole sale removal of the edges of subdivisions than turn their back on the road.

North of Finch is similar up to the Finch hydro corridor, and should be completely re-thought as part of the revitalization of the Chester Le TCHC community.

North of the Hydro Corridor is entirely employment lands, and it would be appropriate to retain that use.
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How do you apply for this location?
If you mean a suite, there's nothing to apply for yet. No building. It's not been approved yet.

New rendering was taken from the architectural plan via Rezoning. The unit count changed from 306 units to 293 units. The total car parking changed from 153 parking to 184 parking.

PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_2501_VictoriaPark_Avenue-1.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_2501_VictoriaPark_Avenue-26.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_2501_VictoriaPark_Avenue-26a.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - ArchitecturalPlans_2501_VictoriaPark_Avenue-26b.jpg
