Hamilton 213 King Street West | 94.3m | 30s | Vrancor Development | ZO1

Bottom photo shows how King and Caroline is being transformed from street level.

Top photo shows the form work on this one, including a stair egress that currently presents as a skylight and a transfer slab on the south. I didn't realize till I got home that my pic didn't extend further to the right but meant to capture how this building is abutting/ attaching itself to the Marquee building to the south. On the east side, it looks like a very small separation will be left between this one and the Mac building from what I can tell.

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A pic from above shows the 4th floor starting from the back:

This is what the plans showed along King:


Sidewalk looks around 6 metres wide, which is plenty and the general standard in Toronto for new development. The plans even show a small patio space along King.

There is a ~2.4 metre overhang above the second floor though. What we see now is likely forms supporting that overhang which makes the ultimate public realm width looking smaller.

It also looks smaller as McMaster gave a massive setback from King, far larger than the norm.
