Toronto 2039 Yonge | 43.54m | 11s | Nivlog Investments Limited | superkül

Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
Reaction score
New Application into the AIC, covers 2039-2049 Yonge and 40-50 Tullis to the east of said properties.



Aerial Pic:


Site Size: ~0,2ha/0.5ac



Tullis frontage:

Instead of the standard facadism, I'd like to see a 10-12 story versions of these buildings in the same style [except with the original style of window frames of course]. Re-using that nice cornice at the crown. Something similar to what Allied did on John Street.
Weird that the Au Lit parking lot is shown as in scope but not Au Lit.
EDIT - strike that, misread the overhead shot. It is Hokkaido Ramen which is not in scope
Nah. This works well. Simple, cost-effective, elegant. Should be as of right, but here we are.

Simple, yes.

Height being as-of-right, sure

Cost-effective, no, cheap, not the same thing.

Elegant? Most certainly not. Bland, dull, uninspired and unworthy of a suburban back-lot.
Yikes this is looking pretty bland. But hey, at least it's not a dreadful shade of grey and there's no spandrel being laced everywhere.

For Toronto standards, that deserves a solid round of applause and pat on the back! I'll even also give them credit for balconies that are actually divided from each other just like how it used to be done in the old days, unlike today with the cheap glass dividers we see today.
I'd prefer something that was more traditional with ornamentation for this location. I'd be impressed if this were proposed for Woodbine/Danforth though.

Overall a big step up from the usual spandrel ladden dreck with retail thats comprised of a 14 foot high sheet of glass at street level. A small win.

I like the small step back at the 8th floor.
Personal taste is a thing.......


I think too many of you are overlooking the retail.

That inset is completely inconsistent w/the street in this area and will injure any potential businesses by making them relatively invisible.


That said, the rest of it looks very 1970s basic to me.

Too spare.


Let me add, suggesting it's an iota better than some of the spandrel laden crud out there is lowering the bar far too low.
SPA is in for this one:

This one has had a complete architectural re-think (still Superkul):

The change is one of expression, not scale





Comments: Better......ish..........but still problems..

The fit of the podium is improved somewhat, and the retail is less inset, which is good.

I find the lobby a bit too prominent here on Yonge though.

I don't get the balconies on the podium

It's still on the bland side, now with arches to add some flourish.

I'm undecided on that's almost pastiche....and I'm not sure it plays w/the rest of the design.

I tend to like arches..........I'm waffling here.
Grade level engagement still on the weak side, but I like the arches up towards the top. Overall, I think its general form is a good template for mid-block density along these parts of Yonge.
