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News   Sep 16, 2024
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Toronto 2024 Olympic Bid (Dead)

London's security costs alone were over CAD$2B. You really think there's a magic wand we can wave to make it cheaper?

That's not my point. My point is your costs are wildly inflated and your math incredibly simplistic. London had massive security costs and it's still a fraction of the figure you used in your post. Thanks for doing the research to discredit yourself though, saved me some trouble.
That's not my point. My point is your costs are wildly inflated and your math incredibly simplistic. London had massive security costs and it's still a fraction of the figure you used in your post. Thanks for doing the research to discredit yourself though, saved me some trouble.
Yeah, that's not how it works. The final costs for Beijing, London and now Rio are all in the CAD$30-57B range. Every initial Olympics budget ends up underestimating costs by a factor of 2-3x. Anyone pretending this can be done on the cheap is either delusional or lying.

The $5b I ballparked for logistics and security is less than the $6b spent in London - as reported by the UK government. Don't throw around BS terms like "wildly over inflated" when the facts state otherwise.
Toronto isn't doing itself any favours by committing itself to drowning in debt for the next 40 years either.

Newsflash - we already are. However, this debt comes with nothing to be proud of. Our infrastructure is still garbage, our public realm looks borrowed from the 1970s and our poor have nowhere to live.
Newsflash - we already are. However, this debt comes with nothing to be proud of. Our infrastructure is still garbage, our public realm looks borrowed from the 1970s and our poor have nowhere to live.

Funny how saying no to everything didn't change any of that. Perhaps we should be looking at that "can't do" attitude from some quarters that is our malaise. No, can't pay higher taxes/tolls to fund infrastructure; no, can't do things differently even if there is a more efficient way of achieving the same outcome because we know best; no, you can't have fun and make money at the same time because doing so apparently offends our egalitarian senses, etc., etc.

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Yeah, that's not how it works. The final costs for Beijing, London and now Rio are all in the CAD$30-57B range. Every initial Olympics budget ends up underestimating costs by a factor of 2-3x. Anyone pretending this can be done on the cheap is either delusional or lying.

The $5b I ballparked for logistics and security is less than the $6b spent in London - as reported by the UK government. Don't throw around BS terms like "wildly over inflated" when the facts state otherwise.

What facts? I'm not seeing 6 billion in security costs in your link.
You can't have it both ways. If Portes is a flack, so were the economists who did the study - commissioned by the UK government - saying the London Olympics netted an economic benefit.
Well, that's an observable fact. All that transit and infrastructure that was built and would not have been built without the Olympics didn't build itself. It was built by people who were paid to build it.
Oh dear, this Cathal Kelly?

He really should have a closer look at the architectural masterpiece that is BMO Place before calling anyone else "ugly". With attitudes like his, I am not sure why Toronto is even fit to hold the World Cup - or that he should be a sports commentator, actually.


Have you ever been to Commonwealth Stadium? It was built for the '78 Commonwealth games. It's butt ugly. BMO field is no great shakes, but Kelly wasn't wrong.

But, I agree AoD -- Toronto should gracefully bow out of any further World Cups... and Olympic Games. ;)
