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Toronto 2020 Olympic Bid

A 2020 bid was supposed to have the same stadium proposal, and a half permanent/half temporary Olympic stadium would do nothing for our mayor's NFL aspirations. Not to mention that Rob and Doug's proposed NFL stadium development appears to conflict with the Olympic bid plans for the waterfront.

I believe their NFL ambitions destroyed any chance of a 2020 bid.

But the thing is, where does he get the money for this? Or will it be built by the "private sector" too?

If he was smart, he should have done what Atlanta did and simply built the stadium at NFL spec for the olympics. But hes not, and there is no one will to drop 2 billion.
^Yup, and that's just what I was getting at. While it's conceivable that a bid could go ahead without the mayor's support, the fact that his interest in sports (and city building) seems to begin and end with the NFL doesn't help.

I wouldn't take what the Fords say at face value.

For what it's worth - I fully support trying to land the Olympics. We've all seen how if handled properly, they can be a huge incentive for cities to put through infrastructure projects that would otherwise be pushed off. I do think the city could put their tentative support behind a bid because even if we won, spending wouldn't start right away, and it could be framed by Toronto leaders as a way to secure federal and provincial investments into the city.

For those who think NFL aspirations would get in the way, I'm not so sure. Ford can leverage city support with stipulations that the stadium would be constructed in a way that it could be modified for permanent use, like what Atlanta did with their Olympic Stadium becoming the replacement home for the Braves. This opens the door for the NFL more than what exists now.

Declining support right now could be posturing as well. If there is significant enough public interest, then coming back to the table would appear to be the will of the people rather than the Ford's putting their sporting interests ahead of their austerity measures. Removing their support in order to get more of what they want - Adam Vaughn style, if you will - only to grant it after a more suitable arrangement is also possible.

But if Ford has any indication that other levels of government would pull away from the table in terms of financial support, then it would be irresponsible for him to commit to a bid and be left holding the bag should we win.

See, you are smart. Too bad Ford isn't.
See, you are smart. Too bad Ford isn't.
I think a lot of the things going on with the city right now need to play themselves out fully before we declare anyone smart or not. I think there's a whole lot more nuance and grey area than most people who see nothing but black and white, or who choose to see everything as blunt instruments like hammers, when in fact it is tweezers and screwdrivers being used.
Did you guys listen to the radio this morning? "No money no bid" Coun. Doug Ford says! Toronto is not going to bid for 2020 Olympic in Sept, 2011. We should end this thread and create a new one for 2024 Olympic...:(
Major disappoinment :(
I think a lot of the things going on with the city right now need to play themselves out fully before we declare anyone smart or not. I think there's a whole lot more nuance and grey area than most people who see nothing but black and white, or who choose to see everything as blunt instruments like hammers, when in fact it is tweezers and screwdrivers being used.

I agree. But if I am the mayor of Toronto, and I want the NFL. I push so hard for this olympics. This is our time. It would be the only way to get a new stadium.

Did you guys listen to the radio this morning? "No money no bid" Coun. Doug Ford says! Toronto is not going to bid for 2020 Olympic in Sept, 2011. We should end this thread and create a new one for 2024 Olympic...:(
Major disappoinment :(

I never supported any Olympic bid for this city, because I think that civic greatness and infrastructure investment can be achieved without throwing a two week party that will put us in the red for a generation. So, on the whole, I'm quite happy with this announcement. On the other hand, I realize that the twin Fordmayors did this because of their one-sided mission to cut spending, as if that were an end, and not a means.
I agree with Hipsterduck. I would support a bid if it went through but I don't wish for one. I would actually rather there be an NFL team. I don't care at all about football or the NFL and would put to task any politician that suggested putting public resources into a subsidization of that bid. However, it would enhance the long-term sporting scene in this city and so I would look favourably at any initiative to make it happen.
Where does it say he is not interested?

""We can't, the feds can't, the province can't, it's just not the time. Everyone would love it but financially no one is in the shape to take it," said Ford. "

That quote seems to imply he'd actually be interested if the multiple levels of government could actually afford it.

Seriously? Are you taking Doug Ford's words literally? You do think he would love to see Olympics hosted in Toronto? If he genuinely wanted it (as he wants landing an NFL team), he would not explain why we can't have it, so to me he sounds a bit hypocritical (politically correct?).
I agree with Hipsterduck. I would support a bid if it went through but I don't wish for one. I would actually rather there be an NFL team. I don't care at all about football or the NFL and would put to task any politician that suggested putting public resources into a subsidization of that bid. However, it would enhance the long-term sporting scene in this city and so I would look favourably at any initiative to make it happen.

Good Point.
Seriously? Are you taking Doug Ford's words literally?
To be honest, I think he was being entirely facetious about both the number of libraries vs Tim Hortons thing, as well as the recognizing Atwood thing, but peope decided to take his words literally there in order to bash the guy - so it is really unreasonable to think that a sports-minded guy wouldn't actually like to have the world's biggest sporting event here, if the money wasn't an object? Really?
Is it just me? DOUG Ford is not my councillor...I didn't vote for him, didn't have to see his name on my ballot. Why do I have to have an announcement about the Olympics delivered to me by HIM! Dude can go blow off somewhere else. He represents a sad little minority in North Etobicoke...not me! He is an inexperienced, first term councillor who got elected on the rep of his Dad (and his Dad's money) and has been using a broom and dustpan behind his pork bellied brother since he took office. I don't want to hear his voice speaking for the whole city. What the hell is wrong with these two besides the obvious? Damn...don't these two realize that Harper won't do a damn thing for us. The Olympics would garner us much needed massive infrastructure money from Ottawa. Construction doesn't begin on venues/services for a few years yet. Surely Mayor Quimby and his sidekick understand this. They are such "geniuses" that they will have all the city's ills taken care of by then. Yet, Mayor Bobbie hosted Prime Mouth Harper at his house recently. Sick! I don't see any money coming our way....Ottawa still drains it. Obviously Quimby is looking for a bigger national position....our city was never good enough for him....or quite frankly, he wouldn't be part of our city if it hadn't been for another dough headed Conservative amalgamating us. Ford would still be in the boonies! BTW...I will fight tooth and nail to keep any NFL team out of our city....I hate football and don't want my tax dollars going to something that "entertains" these two beer swilling yahoo's!

The NFL team will be funded by the PSLs.
Whether it's your cup of tea or not, having an NFL team in Toronto would be a massive boost to the economy. You know, that nebulous thing that generates jobs and taxes and revenues to pay for all sorts of other things that might actually be your cup of tea?
Whether it's your cup of tea or not, having an NFL team in Toronto would be a massive boost to the economy. You know, that nebulous thing that generates jobs and taxes and revenues to pay for all sorts of other things that might actually be your cup of tea?

Denfinaetly. Put people to work as well. That's why we needed the olympics.
