Toronto 2 St Thomas | 80.46m | 26s | KingSett Capital | Hariri Pontarini

There's an add for The StT in the new Azure that makes it look as though the design has been dumbed down somewhat. Could just be the angle though. In any case, with HPA running things I'm sure this will be a high-quality structure. I'm not exactly weeping for the Victorians being lost....while there are empty lots around the city there are almost none in Yorkville, and a natural part of intensification is the occasional loss of a nice building or two. Luckily in the current boom that seems to be happening only very infrequently. I would love to know the number of surface lots that have disappeared in the core over the last few years--probably what, 50?
So right next door, those old "university apartments" are being fixed up, I wonder what for? I'm assuming since effort is going into preserving/cleaning these buildings, that they wont be torn down any time soon.. hopefully.


Jan.8 2008

The doors used to be green, the paint was stripped and they have been stained a beautiful shade of dark brown, the stone details are all being cleaned, and they look bright white now, it almost matches One. St. Thomas, wonder if thats why this rejuvenation is happening?
I thought they were, with the facadfes being preserved - at least for the building to the south.
For $1,000,000, it's not a Lexus-like ad, but a Maybach ad.

Otherwise, the magic of condoporn.
I like the floor-plans.... especially the one with the private indoor lap-pool, and huge wrap-around terrace.

so looking at the website.. it appears that the "university Apartment" building closest to the windsor arms (North) will be staying, while the Southern one will be torn down to make way for this project. (which explains why the north one is being renovated, and the South one isn't)
March 6 2008


This little old building is being lost... but its not really WORTH saving anyhow....


This is the "university Apartment" that is being torn down.... which is why the shutters and paint remain untouched...

as opposed to....


THIS "university Apartment" which has had all its paint stripped, and its brick cleaned..... I do wonder though.... is this part going to be incorporated into the St. Thomas? Or is it just being refinished, and left alone?
Wow, they certainly brought the best out of that box, didn't they. It makes the loss of the second building even more sad.
Wow, they certainly brought the best out of that box, didn't they. It makes the loss of the second building even more sad.

Yes - they did, and it does. Full agreement.

Regardless of how nicely they tart these old broads up, has anyone seen them well integrated with a new building? They always end up looking like some elderly aunt that relatives have taken in out of pity - sitting in the corner drinking her tea and looking rather lost.
