Toronto 1Thousand Bay | 104.85m | 32s | Cresford | a—A

Glad to see the parking lot go. Seeing that this is Bay St., why stop at 32 floors?
A simple question, AKS.

How and where did you get this $ 800 psf price?

Would love if someone could post a link-- whenever possible -- to the floor plans and asking prices.

check your pm
Re: height

I mentioned it in light of the U condos 1 block north hitting 45s and 55s and everything west to Queen's Park is also low rise on St. Mary.

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I know not everything is about height, but this is one of those locations that could've used something at least 50 stories, as for the design, i can't really comment quite yet,
I know not everything is about height, but this is one of those locations that could've used something at least 50 stories, as for the design, i can't really comment quite yet,

How do you figure? The plot directly north across St. Nicholas is a park which is situated within a low-rise university campus (St. Mike's).
LOL!. that waAs waAy too funny!!!

and U condos is so close and has serious height,

...And does not lie just south of a park, unless you consider the space between the Bay Charles Towers parkland. There's good reason for this height Steveveveveve, even if you and others would like it to be a few stories taller.
Great for all you guys who get your rocks off to all these rinse and repeat boxes, but tedious for the rest of us, and the city. Keep this going and there will be an "aA Avenue" somewhere in Toronto, where clones of people walk among identical buildings in some kind of futuristic nightmare.

Great post. J G Ballard would have approved.
...And does not lie just south of a park, unless you consider the space between the Bay Charles Towers parkland. There's good reason for this height Steveveveveve, even if you and others would like it to be a few stories taller.

The very tall U Condos project is immediately north of the park though. In fact, adjoining on the same block.
... How does the park affect the height for this project but not U?
