There is no easy solution, but the access to parking and loading is right next to the subway. Right next to the entrance for streetcars and buses. That is sure to jam up that part of Dundas even more. Since buses and streetcars load on the right, the TTC can't really change their loop. The laneway to the west seems small, but might be expandable at the expense of a bit of the subway lot. Return of Vincent Street?
And if there is a corner that could use a set-back, it is that one. Two reasons: pedestrians and pickups/dropoffs. The taxi stand across at the Crossways could be moved to the west side to be more effective. An extra lane of roadway could be useful.
I don't know if there is any architectural value, but some of the facade of the old building looks interesting. Too bad they have zero interest in keeping it.
This project is going to get a lot of scrutiny. It is a tight corner on a very busy intersection.