Toronto 1540 Bloor West | 91.9m | 27s | Trinity Group | Arcadis

There must be someone in the area who holds a lot of sway to get the City to take the position it has taken.

yep his name is Satan and he lives just down the street from me. Now were really grasping at straws, can't wait for more conspiracy theories. What now is really a conspiracy theory is this and believe me this will have a more profound impact on the future on high rises on these streets than you can imagine. The first meeting is tonight at metro hall so if you want to let your voice be heard then get out there.
yep his name is Satan and he lives just down the street from me. Now were really grasping at straws, can't wait for more conspiracy theories. What now is really a conspiracy theory is this and believe me this will have a more profound impact on the future on high rises on these streets than you can imagine. The first meeting is tonight at metro hall so if you want to let your voice be heard then get out there.

No, I'm not grasping at straws. I haven't seen anything to account for the bizarre fact that the City has claimed that transit nodes don't attract development.
The City's position on this is disturbing because it strengthens the position of the OMB in guiding development. There must be someone in the area who holds a lot of sway to get the City to take the position it has taken.

A few years ago when the Liberals were first elected the provincial government was seriously looking at a very significant overhaul of the OMB due in part to municipal lobbying and media pressure (Bill 51 - Planning and Conservation Land Statute Law Amendment Act, 2006). But as the province put together the greenbelt plan & the growth plan for the greater golden horseshoe the thinking changed and while amendments to OMB powers were made, the OMB ultimately remained as an independent adjudicative tribunal hearing a wide range of municipal and land-related matters. It was countless examples similar to this where it became rather clear to the province that many municipalities were incabable of acting in a mature fashion and far too many local land-use decisions were governed by short-term local politics rather than long-range planning.

The province determined that without a strong and independent OMB, provincial policies and objectives outlined in the new Provincial Policy Statement and the Places to Grow plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe could be compromised and undermined. The right of appeal of a municipal council decision or where no decision has been provided to the OMB was decided to be an important counterbalance to the political sentiments of local councils. It was also demed important that this venue is available to proponents, neighbours, community associations and interest groups who have participated in the planning process to ensure they have an opportunity to raise legitimate concerns with respect to planning issues.

Despite some continued pressure from some local politicians and the media I think it is highly unlikely that the province will abandon this venue for sober second thought on planning decisions. It will be interesting to see how this particular appeal pans out. This city has taken a somewhat odd position.
I stopped by the sales office and had a look around, and I found the finishes very nice. I also had a chat with the sales rep, and I was told they are only selling up to the 20th floor ATM.
I, too, stopped by the sales office. Finishes are nice but they are scanty on many details and their model suite is a full 150 sq feet less than the floorplan says it should be - which is weird as most places make the model larger to trick the buyer. Prices are in the high $400 range which is ridiculous considering the dilapidation of this corner. I think it's a great project that could really boost the area, but with the school kitty corner to it and the massive apartment block across with it's dark outdoor overhangs, this will really be a challenging corner to bring to life. On the upside, just a little further up Dundas on the east side are some great buildings that are currently labelled "artist lofts" that could use a severe retrofit and they'd be incredible.
Email from Gord Perks. Attachment is too big to attach here, but is posted here.

Hello All,

Excellent news, we won at the OMB for 1540 Bloor Street West! Here is the summary of the decision:

"In the final analysis, the proposed structure of 92.5 metres in height at over 16
times coverage is simply too large for the site and inappropriate for the area. In my
opinion, it is not consistent with the findings and recommendations of the Avenue Study,
it does not conform with the City OP and it does not represent good planning.
Based on all of the foregoing therefore, the proposed development is not
approved and accordingly, the Developer's appeal is dismissed."

This represents a huge victory for all the community members who put so much volunteer time into opposing this development - you know who you are. I think we might want to organize a little event to celebrate and acknowledge some local heros. I'll be in touch with more on that soon.

Please find attached the report from the OMB.



Gord Perks
City Councillor
Ward 14, Parkdale-High Park

Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street West
2nd Floor, Suite A14
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2
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I agree with urbandreamer that this was an excellent decision. Here is to hoping that the next proposal is more in touch with the site's limitations.

Don't kid yourself. Unless TAS is willing to realize a loss on this property, nothing will be built for quite some time in my opinion. Giraffe's point of profit was 20 floors. If they had to build a property that was shorter than that they would have lost money, or had to raise prices. If Perks and the rest of the fools in the area and at the OMB are hoping for a 10 storey condominium to go here they will be waiting for a long long time. Giraffe is in the mid $400s per square foot range, and that was at a minimum of 20 storeys. So do the math, you want a 10 storey at Bloor and Dundas? Then it's going to be a hell of a lot more expensive than Giraffe was selling for, and nobody is realistically going to pay that for this location. Granted TAS may have purchased the land when the market was high and that's why they can't go below the 20 storey range, but that is the situation the northwest corner of Bloor and Dundas is now faced with nonetheless.

I predict something like 8 years of nothing going on at this corner. A sad story indeed. Perks thinks this is a victory for his neighbourhood? He is a fool because now a major corner in this ward is going to sit undeveloped, and continue to be a black eye on the western reaches of Bloor street.
I predict something like 8 years of nothing going on at this corner. A sad story indeed. Perks thinks this is a victory for his neighbourhood? He is a fool because now a major corner in this ward is going to sit undeveloped, and continue to be a black eye on the western reaches of Bloor street.

I believe you are right......the neighbourhood loses by not getting this building....
I think the OMB made the right decision on this one. They'll make a profit on the site not just as big as they would have liked. 16 times the lot area is huge for an area outside a growth centre and precedent that would have undermined the whole concept of the Avenues.

He is a fool because now a major corner in this ward is going to sit undeveloped, and continue to be a black eye on the western reaches of Bloor street.

I also don't think that corner was ever a black eye. Joe Mercury's was a great and affordable neighbourhood bar. Always enjoyed the Karaoke there. I think the neighbourhood is actually a little poorer for having lost it. One less place to meet your neighbours.
