Toronto 1354 Queen Street West | 45.8m | 12s | KingSett Capital | Giannone Petricone

You know, I don't mind it; but I'd be curious to know the rational for not retaining and restoring the corner facade.

I actually think the massing here makes a lot of sense; and the modern podium looks like a decent fit.

But a continuous sense of history wouldn't be a bad thing either; with the modern above.
I agree, I quite like the design of the new brick portion of the podium and how it blends with the old. But to @ProjectEnd's point, given it's KS, who knows who's even going to be doing it, let alone getting excited about the design.
The Sunnyside Historical Society with a petition "calling for the retention, restoration and integration of both 1354-1356 Queen Street West and 1358-1360 Queen Street West into the development designs to celebrate the fine grain texture, consistent street rhythm, and historic Italianate character of Parkdale’s main street."

And.....That would be a 'NO' says the City Report to the June 24 meeting of TEYCC.

Report seeks permission to oppose at OLT/LPAT.

Report here:


The City is also moving to designate the heritage properties on site, at the very same meeting.

Report for that, below:

Good to see they're moving to designate the existing buildings - they deserve to be saved.

Cue a demolition crew moving in at 2 am on a Saturday morning...
Perks with a summary:

The June 24, 2021 Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC) will be reviewing two Staff reports: the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Request for Direction Report, and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act – 1354, 1358, and 1360 Queen Street West Staff Report.

The Request for Directions report: recommends that City Council direct the City Solicitor, together with appropriate staff, to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) hearing to oppose the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application for this site in its current form.

This application, currently under appeal at LPAT, located at the N/W corner of Queen St West and Brock Avenue proposes a new nine-storey mixed-use building with 117 new residential units and approximately 447.6 square metres of commercial space on the ground floor and 91.2 square metres on the ground floor for a proposed community space.

The full report is available on-line at

The report lists staff concerns with this application including the built form, massing and design of the proposal. Other issues to be resolved include issues related to the proposed demolition of the listed heritage building at 1354-1356 Queen Street West and addressing the transportation and traffic impacts that will be created by this development, including the provision of an appropriate parking supply.

I will be supporting the staff recommendation. I ask that you review the details of the report and share your questions and comments with my office: , 416-392-7919.

The Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act – 1354, 1358, and 1360 Queen Street West Report: recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the properties at 1354 (including active entrances 2, 4 and 6 Brock Avenue and 1356 Queen Street West), 1358, and 1360 Queen Street West under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act for their cultural heritage value for their design and physical, historical and associative and contextual values.

The full report is available on-line at

I will be supporting the staff recommendation. I ask that you review the details of the report and share your questions and comments with my office: , 416-392-7919.

Both items are scheduled for June 24th at or soon after 10:30 AM.
From this morning. Looks like they are testing removing the stucco?

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From this morning. Looks like they are testing removing the stucco?

View attachment 347758

Interesting, thanks for sharing! If restored to its original brick, this corner building has potential to be a gem and architectural asset again. Still hoping that there's a possibility for it to be integrated into a revised proposal here.
Looks like whatever testing they were doing is now mostly done. They've repainted those sections of the building.

Sept 14, 2021

