Address: 502 Adelaide St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2024
Height: 162 ft / 49.30 mStoreys: 14 storeys
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Toronto 123 Portland | 49.3m | 14s | Minto Group | Sweeny &Co

Looks great, now for the southeast corner of the Adelaide & Portland intersection to be developed!

I live across the street at 501 Adelaide, and have been watching construction of this from my window since start of COVID.

It looks terrible to me. Needs more brown and less cement to look half decent.
I live across the street at 501 Adelaide, and have been watching construction of this from my window since start of COVID.

It looks terrible to me. Needs more brown and less cement to look half decent.
You enjoying not having elevators for extended periods of time?
