Toronto 1215 McCowan | 180.84m | 55s | Crombie | WZMH

Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
Reaction score
New development in the AIC for 3 towers at the corner McCowan and Ellesemere.

Heights are 25 to 55 floors.

I have listed the applicant as Crombie REIT as this property is part of their portfolio, but that is subject to confirmation.


Aerial Pic:


Site Size ~ 1.8ha/4.5 acres



Above: The site as it appears from the corner of McCowan and Ellesmere.

Below: the site as it appears from McCowan further north:

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Wow this one really didn't attract much interest from UTers

Well, I'm updating it anyway. Even if it is only for @PMT and @NorthshoreCity


So this one was at the City's Design Review Panel on March 9th.

First thing to catch my attention is not the building itself; but a reveal of the City's plans for McCowan Road here:


What a radical improvement! Note the removal of two traffic lanes, one per direction, the addition of protected cycle tracks, and a double row of trees down each side of the road, one separating the traffic from the bike path, and the other mid-sidewalk or development adjacent.


The second thing of interest is also not about this particular development, but rather a revelation of CreateTO's preliminary concept for 40 Bushby to the north.

@HousingNowTO may be interested to hear that it's 3 towers.


Building slides:




Panel comments:

- Strong unity that there is too much parking, and too much emphasis on parking at-grade (there is a proposed surface lot and angled-on-road parking mid-site. Panel lacked enthusiasm for this and wanted considerably less parking, especially at-grade.

- Criticism specifically of the 'active street' (new E-W street mid-site) both for the parking but also for the wrong precedent (WZMH said 'Shops on Don Mills') the suggestion was to go for Market Street as precedent instead.

- Much worry as well that the Food Store (presumably Freshco) having its entrance facing the active street was wrong that, it causes the store to turn its back to McCowan and Ellesmere.

- Specific need for active retail at the McCowan and Ellesmere corner.

- Some question about the variance from the City's Secondary Plan work in the area, PoPs vs Park and Public street vs driveway wrapping the site.
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You misunderestimate us. We're just lurking until we're certain it's 50+ storeys. If it isn't, the thread will be thrown to the pits of hell.

How far is the McCowan rebuild proposed to extend?
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Just read that Centennial College has 26,000 full time students and 19,000 part time students. Built in demand for rental. It looks like this development is walking distance?
You misunderestimate us. We're just lurking until we're certain it's 50+ storeys. If it isn't, the thread will be thrown to the pits of hell.

How far does the McCowan rebuilt extend?


Cycle Track would start at Ellesmere in the south and would run to north of 401 (end point is not within scope of plan)


Key note here is that number 4 is being undertaken by Metrolinx as party of the SSE project.

Several secondary items will automatically follow, notably 5 and 6.
Just read that Centennial College has 26,000 full time students and 19,000 part time students. Built in demand for rental. It looks like this development is walking distance?

Uhh, probably not to most people, its about 2km to the door of Progress Campus, and 100-400M more depending on where on campus your headed. So about a 40M walk for most people on a good day.

1215 to 1255 McCowan Road - Virtual Community Consultation Meeting​

Monday May 15, 2023 at 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM


The City of Toronto Planning Division has received an application to amend the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law for the lands located at 1215 to 1255 McCowan Road. The applications propose to permit the development of three residential towers of 25, 45 and 55 storeys in height containing 1,412 dwelling units. The buildings would also contain retail uses at grade. The proposed gross floor area is approximately 117,913 square metres (including 4,810 square metres of retail space) resulting in a Floor Space Index of 6.42 times the area of the lot. A total of 1,446 vehicular parking spaces and 1,087 bicycle parking spaces are proposed.

👓 Keeping an eye on it because it is adjacent to the HOUSING NOW site on Bushby to the North.
