Developer: BSäR Group Of Companies
Architect: Core Architects
Address: 25 Beverley St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: 117 ft / 35.66 mStoreys: 11 storeys
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Toronto 12° / 12 Degrees Condos | 35.66m | 11s | BSäR Group | Core Architects

It just hit me, what I don't like about most "modern" Toronto towers... it's the mullions? (I think that's what they're called). They're so messy and inelegant.

The concept of this condo is cool but execution is sloppy..

We could only hope for a value engineered New York building like 15 USW

That's a problem with most contemporary buildings in this city. Think of how gorgeous the L Tower would have looked with curtain wall glazing. What was built (material wise) is a blight. As nice as Picasso is, it would look even more slick without mullions.
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This had potential. Way too much gray going on, everything from the gray brick podium to the top heavy gray spandrel/mullions. Turned out to be a complete mess.
That's a problem with most contemporary buildings in this city. Think of how gorgeous the L Tower would have looked with curtain wall glazing. What was built (material wise) is a blight. As nice as Picasso is, it would look even more slick without mullions.

Yep, absolutely. L-Tower w/o the mullions (not to mention the pale blue...) and, say, darker, platinum coloured glass would have looked nothing short of majestic. I like the building, but I do feel that its use of materials and colour makes it look cheaper than it actually is.
Yea, pretty disappointing. I was really interested in buying here once upon a time. The project looked great in the sales brochures...but it didn't turn out too great. Still an above average project but as someone said would have loved to see this and Picasso without the abundance of mullions. Thick mullions on sleek buildings should be a no-no.

I still DO like LTower, though.
If one is going to use mullions then they should be flush with the glazing, a la Five. And gray should never be used.
I agree. The mullions are really distracting and makes it look really busy, it certainly overpowers the overall design.
It will get even worse when the building is occupied and the mullions will be more pronounced once window coverings are installed.
I am not disputing in the slightest that curtain wall with its very slender and flush mullions is far more elegant, but this building has nowhere near the worst mullions in this city, and there are countless other buildings where they are far more pronounced including the very obvious ones like Aura and Spectra, to the point that I can only imagine the reason they are being beaten up on here is because otherwise people like this building so much? Right in some cases anyway?

I think it has more to do with the scale of the building as on a smaller building like this the mullions do have more of an influence on the design and look, where as a much larger building like Aura and Spectra it is not as apparent (but still a noticeable design fault) as they are often viewed from a distance or at a different scale.
I agree the plans were much nicer than the final product, but I still think its a solid addition to the area. I still think the building across the street is much nicer aesthetically, on the west side of Beverley.
I just received my keys for interim occupancy, and to be honest with everyone - I am extremely pleased. The experience with the developer has been phenomenal, and my unit was incredibly well done. I see no merit in the criticism arising from those who have yet to even step into the building, not to mention having experienced the journey from purchase to delivery. For a new developer, BSar Group has done well in my books, which is an opinion coming from someone who has had the privilege of going through the pre-construction process a number of times in the past few years with some great projects and developers, as well as with those developers who really shouldn't be in the business.

Once 12 Degrees is done, this building will be a memorable landmark in this area. It's one to be proud of for both residents and non-residents.
