Developer: Talisker Corporation
Architect: WZMH Architects
Address: 1025 The Queensway, Toronto
Category: Residential (Unspecified), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 491 ft / 149.60 mStoreys: 46 storeys
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Toronto 1025 The Queensway | 149.6m | 46s | Talisker | WZMH

Probably fantasy thinking but: Could they do a land swap and use this lot for a new Ontario Food Terminal? Maybe acquire/expropriate the lands directly to the west to get a footprint large enough? The current OFT site is better suited to density. Much closer to transit and other infrastructure including the coming Park Lawn GO station. Would integrate nicely with the planned neighbourhood on the Mr Christie factory lands.

The site at Kipling and Evans would also be a good candidate for an OFT relocation. The proposal there seemed like a non-starter to me.
Probably fantasy thinking but: Could they do a land swap and use this lot for a new Ontario Food Terminal? Maybe acquire/expropriate the lands directly to the west to get a footprint large enough? The current OFT site is better suited to density. Much closer to transit and other infrastructure including the coming Park Lawn GO station. Would integrate nicely with the planned neighbourhood on the Mr Christie factory lands.

The site at Kipling and Evans would also be a good candidate for an OFT relocation. The proposal there seemed like a non-starter to me.
No (it is fantasy, Talisker are just looking to increase the value of these lands, not actually build 4000+ units of prospective density).
Yeah....this "plan" is an ill-conceived mess.

The internal road network looks to be designed to squeeze out maximum amount of density without even giving thought to how pedestrians or cars will interact with the space. And on that note, the road connection to Islington would be car accident paradise with the amount of lane switching that goes on right in-front of the area as it currently stands. I'd be shocked if the city wouldnt take an issue with that idiotic planned idea.

The parkland space isnt optimized in any kind of useful way asides from a pissing ground for dogs, the density is overbearing and frankly the area cant absorb this. Clearly they are catering to the car owners, and even if they werent the transit here couldnt absorb any of this. Neither the 110 or 80 buses could absorb the new demand even if the TTC, in a dream world, increased service. There is no higher order transit planned for Queensway (ie: LRT), and even if the city started planning for it nothing would come online until 2050 at the earliest.

So all in all, this is garbage that does nothing except jam residents into an area. I havent taken a look at the retail plan here, but i'm sure that's just as sub-optimal as the rest of this "plan".

As for Cineplex and the Queensway theatre, as discussed above, it's considered one of their flagship locations and they often test different concepts at this location before rolling things out nationwide (ie: think new screen concepts like Screen X, or product offerings like VIP). It does very well from a financial perspective when compared to other locations, and it does draw people in from quite a large radial distance. I'd be surprised if they werent looking to have a similar, significant presence on site. Regarding the company's strategy, they are pivoting (for the moment) to expanding their Junxion and Rec Room concepts since their movie business is flat.
No (it is fantasy, Talisker are just looking to increase the value of these lands, not actually build 4000+ units of prospective density).

a) Glad to hear it. Even if it is then a huge waste of everyone's time.

b) Feel the need to bring your post some additional visibility so we don't get too many carried away fantasies on how to service a fictional proposal.
Density is important but do we really need this much density here? Transit is non existent.

On a side note, what is taking so long on the christie lands? nothing has really broke ground and no signs of the park lawn go being built... so slow!
On a side note, what is taking so long on the christie lands? nothing has really broke ground and no signs of the park lawn go being built... so slow!

There's a thread to discuss that......


But to expedite things.......that is an enormous proposal with lots of moving parts.

The Site Plan for Phase 1 doesn't even have a Notice of Complete Application yet.

A shovel in the ground is bit in the future. Not that long............but a bit longer.
Many of the other projects on The Queensway are quite real.

That is true, but in this case, @ProjectEnd has provided clarity on this project.


As to an O/L western extension, as someone who does peek behind the curtain a's not in the near-term offing.

1025 The Queensway Community Consultation Meeting

Monday, July 15, 2024 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
(UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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Eno (Rebecca) Udoh-Orok

The City of Toronto Planning Division has received applications for Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision to permit a mixed-use development consisting of 12 new buildings including 2 employment buildings, ranging in height from 7 to 46 storeys, a new public park, and three new public streets. A total Gross floor Area (GFA) of 346,247 square metres is proposed, including 54,333.47 square metres of non-residential GFA including daycare, retail, above-grade parking, and employment. Also proposed are a total of 4,222 residential units, 2,283 vehicle parking spaces, and 3,320 bicycle parking spaces.
Join us at the Virtual Community Consultation Meeting to participate.
