Toronto 1 Eglinton Square | 158.8m | 46s | KingSett Capital | BDP Quadrangle

An Application has been filed to Lift the 'H' (holding by-law) that applies to this site.

The application is facilitated by the fact that the City was under an obligation to determine the final alignment of the O'Connor Drive extension and realignment by the end of 2023 under the holding provision, to ensure there was no conflict w/this proposal.

The City has failed to make such a determination.

Closing Paragraph from the Cover Letter:


There really is no excuse for this.

It may well be that other appeals in the area are making a final determination a challenge, though, if true, that ought to have been in the holding conditions imposed at OLT.

Now, I am curious though, about Kingsett's impatience here. Are they actually ready to either move a phase 1 project themselves? JV it? Or sell a portion of the site?
