Toronto Ïce Condominiums at York Centre | 234.07m | 67s | Lanterra | a—A

even if the underside of the greenroof canopy had colour....
The lack of quality paving and decent landscaping architecture doesn't help. This is an area that always trip up Toronto developments. And I hope they didn't use galvanized steel for the columns - the amount of salt dumped on the ground would make short work of them.

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There are planters and trees towards the road but it does look bleak otherwise, especially in winter. Perhaps a restaurant with a patio and some colourful public art would improve things. Unfortunately the nearby gardiner and procession of traffic might detract from it being a pleasant place to linger.




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Having lived across from ICE for over 3 years I would suggest the source of the chaos which rules those towers in a combination of the never ending stream of strangers filing in and out in vast numbers of the Airbnb units, distant Landlords who, as a result of the constant turmoil are forced to/or prepared to accept otherwise undesirable tenants, a Security Detail that is inadequate to properly police the towers and otherwise hamstrung by what could be an ineffective Board and perhaps incompetent Management.

The result, a never ending parade of cop cars and a property value proposition headed to the toilet. Woe is them who are resident owners. Can't imagine how many years it may take to turn this mess around.
Having lived across from ICE for over 3 years I would suggest the source of the chaos which rules those towers in a combination of the never ending stream of strangers filing in and out in vast numbers of the Airbnb units, distant Landlords who, as a result of the constant turmoil are forced to/or prepared to accept otherwise undesirable tenants, a Security Detail that is inadequate to properly police the towers and otherwise hamstrung by what could be an ineffective Board and perhaps incompetent Management.

The result, a never ending parade of cop cars and a property value proposition headed to the toilet. Woe is them who are resident owners. Can't imagine how many years it may take to turn this mess around.

Not to take this thread off-topic, but that's bang on. With the rental rates today, I'm curious to see what the value proposition is of a landlord posting a unit on Airbnb and dealing with third-party managers/cleaning services vs. simply renting it and cashing a cheque every month.
I can tell you that as a resident there has been no greater concern than that of issues with guests staying in Airbnb suites. I have had countless reports I have had to make to security and management over these issues. Unfortunately there is absolutely no active monitoring of the in and outs of the building. People loitering and following people in all the time. Despite security cameras in each floor, what good are they if they aren't being monitored? The building is treated like a hotel with more foot traffic than an airport. Duka property management unfortunately has not done more to improve the situation. Security is only a few people and can only monitor so much themselves. Ice is an iconic building now being destroyed by the types of people too cheap to pay for a hotel. Until Airbnb is banned, the issue will continue to be the buildings demise.

Rents are $3.00-3.50 per sq. ft. per month for this category. So, for a 2 bedroom unit in ICE, call it $3K per month as a full time rental.

As Airbnb you only need a 50% occupancy @ $200 per night, plus cleaning fees, to break even with that. However, comparably speaking, two hotel rooms downtown cost ??? $500-$1,000 per night, total. Even at the low end you'll blow past the $3K by Airbnb'n your unit.

There's the juice to squeeze of an Airbnb all at the expense of good and suffering people who invested life savings to buy a HOME in ICE which some condo landlords seem determined to instead turn into a 2-star hotel for country bumpkins dragging crappy luggage filled with hockey sweaters, Walmart groceries and cases of beer thru the hallways. Or gangstas looking to ply their trade overnight. Or, in the case of the above, bust a cap into the competition.

It's a disgrace. The short term occupancy rules enacted by the City are desperately needed to bring order to the table in the highrise condo world. No one should have to suffer in their homes, owner or tenant, because of this foolishness.
I can tell you that as a resident there has been no greater concern than that of issues with guests staying in Airbnb suites. I have had countless reports I have had to make to security and management over these issues. Unfortunately there is absolutely no active monitoring of the in and outs of the building. People loitering and following people in all the time. Despite security cameras in each floor, what good are they if they aren't being monitored? The building is treated like a hotel with more foot traffic than an airport. Duka property management unfortunately has not done more to improve the situation. Security is only a few people and can only monitor so much themselves. Ice is an iconic building now being destroyed by the types of people too cheap to pay for a hotel. Until Airbnb is banned, the issue will continue to be the buildings demise.

Remember that it is the BOARD who are actually responsible and if you are an owner you have a responsibility to elect a responsible Board, monitor them properly and be prepared to pay higher monthly fees if the security needs are higher than currently budgeted.
Remember that it is the BOARD who are actually responsible and if you are an owner you have a responsibility to elect a responsible Board, monitor them properly and be prepared to pay higher monthly fees if the security needs are higher than currently budgeted.

Unfortunately it was explicitly written in the initial declaration which was provided by the developer (Lanterra) that short term rentals are to be permitted. Many owners purchased units in this development with the sole intent of renting these units on the short term market. I learned there are numerous numbered companies which actually own multiple (5 or more) units in the buildings with the sole intent of operating the units as short term rentals.

That said, my understanding as a former resident of ICE was that the only way to change the declaration so as to ban short term rentals would be to have a significant majority of unit owners vote to do so. Given that a conservative 70% or more of owners are full time short term “Airbnb landlords” this is never likely to happen. These short term landlords are a significant voting block and effecively control the board at this point. Their only intent is to keep maintenance fees as low as possible and maximize their profits. As such the whole concept of short term rentals is running the entire complex in to the ground. Hence the high frequency of elevator entrapments, broken amenities, massive flooding events, and frequent power and water outages. Not to mention the completely overwhelmed security team which is constantly dealing with security incidents such as break-ins, fights and assaults, sexual assaults and gropings, drug usage, intoxicated people, vandalism, etc. (Now we can also add shootings to that list.)

(Sidebar to the above. You could probably write a fairly interesting thesis on the concept of Airbnb gutting property values in the name of short term profits.)

I am sad to say this but ICE is a becoming a ghetto. As ICE’s reputation grows worse and worse any prospective home owners and long term tenants will avoid it like the plague. Thus leaving it only appealing to short term “Airbnb landlords” and their guests. Problems will continue. Maintenance costs will skyrocket. And eventually property values will plummet.

Quite frankly ICE is not a well designed building to live in. The layout is awkward, cramped, and underserviced for the number of units (over 1,400 between the two buildings) and there is no sense of belonging. It is a nice addition to the skyline but poorly designed on the inside. As such to make it successful it would require a superb management team and vigilant owners, which sadly it is simply not getting.

I cut my losses after two years and moved out three months ago. I could not be happier for doing so.

Ps. It does not help that Duka Property Mangement is terrible and their staff turnover rate is atrocious. ICE seems to have a new property manager every 3 months or so. See my review of the property mangement company and their response here:
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Unfortunate. Can't say I'm surprised that Ice has been hell to live in. That said, I'd never buy to live in this building or any of these kinds of condos full of smaller, cheapish units. They are full of 905ers and partygoers. Have always chosen to live in the less trendy, more mature areas and have never had issues with this kind of stuff.

AirBnB is banned in my building but I still see some people do it. Our board is very good and our property management is extremely involved. As much as I hate the overpolicing and tight rules, they help avoid stuff like this.
Unfortunate. Can't say I'm surprised that Ice has been hell to live in. That said, I'd never buy to live in this building or any of these kinds of condos full of smaller, cheapish units. They are full of 905ers and partygoers. Have always chosen to live in the less trendy, more mature areas and have never had issues with this kind of stuff.

AirBnB is banned in my building but I still see some people do it. Our board is very good and our property management is extremely involved. As much as I hate the overpolicing and tight rules, they help avoid stuff like this.
I could live with partygoers, but 905ers? They are the worst!
