Toronto Ïce Condominiums at York Centre | 234.07m | 67s | Lanterra | a—A

It's up! !!!

. . .

here's the source btw

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    <p>ICE Condos is a condominium development located in downtown Toronto. It is being developed by <a href="" target="_blank">Cadillac Fairview</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Lanterra Developments</a>.</p> 
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You bastard! :p

I started scheming, thinking of who I could ask to get the mortgage for me or how I could hussle the money to pay cash.

Now I won't be able to sleep til I find out the actual prices.
so much for .htaccess

lol.. doesn't look like too much on the site

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It's a little cool out tonight, but I think they're exaggerating.
Blue bar moving left to right in middle of screen . . . wind over glacier sound effects . . . blank page in Explorer. . . no change from last night. :mad:
