Toronto Ïce Condominiums at York Centre | 234.07m | 67s | Lanterra | a—A

Any bets on which project will top out first; Aura or ICE? (both East & West)
A while back I would of put my money on Aura, but this ones really starting to move.

Anyhow, heres another view;

Any bets on which project will top out first; Aura or ICE? (both East & West)
A while back I would of put my money on Aura, but this ones really starting to move.

Tough to say. Aura is further along, but it's also taller. Once they move past the podium at Aura and we can see at what kind of pace they're finishing off floors, then we can probably make a better judgement. I'd say give it another month or two, and then it'll be much clearer.

Having said that though, my bet is on ICE, if nothing else because I think they're going to add another few floors to Aura, pushing the top-off back further.
Tough to say. Aura is further along, but it's also taller. Once they move past the podium at Aura and we can see at what kind of pace they're finishing off floors, then we can probably make a better judgement. I'd say give it another month or two, and then it'll be much clearer.

Having said that though, my bet is on ICE, if nothing else because I think they're going to add another few floors to Aura, pushing the top-off back further.
it's hard to say, but i think it'll be really close...

Aura will top off by the end of first quarter/early 2nd quarter of 2013, and it's already 5 floors up,

ICE is at ground level/first floor, but has the smaller footprint and fewer floors,

i think ICE,

Are both ICE buildings going to head skyward at the same time and at presumably the same rate?

Well, sorta...just by looking at the progress of the smaller tower, it'll always have a lead over the taller one, but of course they're building the entire project at once the entire base is done, both towers will be reaching skyward, albeit at different rates...
ice has hit ground level ... I saw a huge tangle of rebar poking itself above the sidewalk roof thingie tonight.
Will PATH end at ICE or will it continue to Infinity? Would be nice to see it keep going West, connecting to the convention centre's parking garage, the Roundhouse and possibly further West later on to the building that will be built over the ramp that leads under the Rogers Centre. Its too bad Concord didn't build its own PATH system, as one day PATH will eventually reach CityPlace.

As far as I know, PATH will run through the new phases at Infinity.

I have just confirmed by reviewing the building permit drawings for ICE condos, while it will connect back to MLS, there will be no further extensions of the PATH network beyond ICE (ie: no provisions or knock-out panels for future connection to Infinity 3+4)
I don't understand why the city isn't requiring at least the potential for PATH connections in all new buildings.
That I am not sure why ... but you can see below where the PATH connection is on the P1 / underground level ... it connects to MLS at the northeast corner but quickly goes back up towards the ground floor via escalators / elevator:

I think there's two possibilities. The PATH connection appears to actually be headed for the office component, so maybe the office will have a connection on the other side of the site. Otherwise, is it possible that the ground floor of Ice is going to be publicly accessible? If so, the connection might actually be above grade. I noticed one of the towers appears to have a random projection on the first floor that doesn't appear to lead anywhere. Maybe that's part of an unfinished walkway?
I know this is not the thread to talk about Infinity 3 & 4 but I really wish these two were taller and better-designed...they seem so mediocre and modest in every sense (including height) for this prime location. Sigh...

Now regarding the Ice/York centre site, I wish they were able to find a tenant for the office tower and start construction for that too (with the two residential towers). Imagine if that happened and a design change (at least at the top) for the office tower so we wouldn't get yet another 30 storey box for an office tower in boxcore...errr, i mean southcore.
