This is a Significantly larger building than the SLC.
It is a little crazy. The Daphne Coxwell building is already near completion and is going to be a huge addition to the campus. I'm not sure if Ryerson has made a deal with YSL to rent some of the podium floors there or not, but that is another potentially significant expansion in square foot.
I did a rough count of the student space here based on the arch drawings.
3x - 65 Seat Classroom
1x - 130 Seat Classroom
3x - 150 Seat Classroom
6x - 300 Seat Classroom
54x - Small "Lab Areas"
22x - Large "Lab Areas"
7x - "Project Room"
11x - Seminar Rooms/Meeting Spaces
1x - Teaching Lab
Especially those 300 seat classrooms will relieve pressure in other parts of the campus. In addition, there are 4x Student Study Areas + 3x Masters Student Study Areas. The Master student space will be especially desired.
There are also 50x offices for faculty members, and 66x of what appears to be student offices according to the drawings. Perhaps those are for masters students (in other universities private offices for master students is normal), or perhaps those are bookable rooms like in the SLC/Library and the architect who drew them didn't get the concept.
Whichever way it ends up being, there is no doubt that this is a huge addition to the campus space.
and just generally: holy crap this building is huge. I wouldn't be surprised if it will be one of the tallest academic buildings in the world.
Last page I commented on how an 11 storey podium is not encouraged in the tall buildings guidelines.
That was before seeing the ceiling heights and mechanical penthouse. In reality, this building's podium is 13 storeys (as in, the roof is at level with the 13th floor of the residential tower) when you count the mechanical penthouse, and at 153.6 feet (46.8 metres) it is substantially taller than the adjacent buildings on Mutual Street.
The planning rationale addresses this by stating that the demands of institutional use are different than condos, and that the adjacent pre-existing buildings are already tall and sitting on a large base. I'm sure since this is Ryerson, it will be okay.
Odd tid-bit, but this building has 2.5 levels of bicycle parking. There appears to be a mezzanine (?) bike storage floor in between P1 and Ground Level. I found that kind of funny that we are now entering the realm of multi-level underground bicycle parking.